Too Much Sugar !

Apr 04, 2010

So - I will be 4 weeks post op tomorrow and am feeling good - my scales say I'm down to 260 from 299 which is awesome ! Am going to the gym 5 days a week, getting in my water and protein on most days and feeling like I have some more energy - though I still need a nap in the daytime.

I went out for a drink with hubbie on the weekend and chose a LF chocolate shake - I only drank about 1 inch of the drink which tasted great - but soon after I was regretting it as I had what I think was a sugar rush.  OMG - I was so ill - I went white, got hot and clammy, felt like I was going to pass out and was all sweaty.  I only just made it home before having to lie down til I felt better.  Guess I will pass on that next time !

Am beginning to feel like I can do normal things with my pals now - I can go out for a coffee and manage a small weak latte, I can go out for breakfast (ok I only have 3 forkfuls of scrambled egg - but that's ok), I can go out for lunch or dinner and enjoy soup.  I know this will get easier once I get onto real food rather than mushies !

Nutrition wise - I'm thinking more along the lines of food as fuel, which is new for me.  I'm making better choices - always thinking about what would give me more protein as my first option and as I was always a big fan of Atkins then I don't think this will be an issue going forward.

Have just discovered as well which is a fun way of learning new hints and tips.

Onwards and Downwards
VSG 9 March 2010 plus gall bladder removal

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