8 weeks post-op

May 04, 2010

Wow, doesn't time fly - it's exactly 8 weeks since my op and I'm doing good.

I'm 49 lbs down so far - have stalled for the last week or so which is a bit frustrating, but it's to be expected given the amount that I have lost quickly.

I'm going to the gym 3 times per week at least - just doing the X Trainer, Bike and Treadmill plus 30 mins of weights.  Plus I've also been roller-blading a few times and am thinking of getting a personal trainer and also going to group Boxing classes which are outside which should be fun (if not hot - it's already in the high 80's here and it's gonna get a whole lot hotter yet).

Having no problems keeping hydrated, I can take really big sips of water and easily drink 2-3 litres per day - mostly water, occassionally with some NA squash.  If I'm out then I chose an iced coffee (skinny of course) which is great as I get my protein in as well as being social !

Have found that I can't drink sweet drinks - a low fat chocolate milk shake gave me a bad sugar rush - clammy, sweaty, feeling sick etc so am leaving them well alone.

I'm also having 1-2 protein shakes per day depending on how my food is going - found a really lovely cookies & cream one which is my absolute favourite.  I also drink protein water when I'm at the gym - it doesn't taste too great - but it's an easy way to get it down whilst I'm distracted !

I'm eating most things in small quantities - I can do most meats but not yet tried steak - there's plenty of time to do that.  My favourite food is chicken which is an easy choice to eat in or out. Am going to try fish on the weekend.  I tried salmon recently and tuna - neither of them agreed with me - although they were firm favourites not so long ago.

Am really enjoying simple food - scrambled eggs, omelettes, chicken and gravy, soups etc - it all tastes soo good.

Still not figured out what the connection is between my stomach and my nose - as soon as I eat enough my nose starts running ! - I can't believe how little I am eating - 1/4 cup of chicken is more than enough as is 1 scrambled egg (mind you that's progress I was only able to eat 1/2 of it to begin with !)

I'm somewhat puzzled about nutrition - should I be counting protein, calories, carbs etc.  In Dubai you don't get any nutrition support - so I've been searching this website for info - and am trying to put it together myself.  I am going to find a nutritionalist - but am not too hopeful - I talked to one the other day and she didnt' really understand what I had had done and sent me a sheet telling me to soak bread in milk to get it down which left me feeling less than confident !

My clothes are falling off me, so I have invested in a sewing machine so that I can alter my clothes rather than have to keep buying new - particularly as I'm only in some things for a couple of weeks or so.  What a great challenge to have !

I'm still quite tired, which I think means that I've not got my nutrition sorted out properly - I've started logging my food on myfitnesspal.com and sometimes I only get in 400 cals - others up to 800 cals.  Am sure I will be able to work this out soon - it's difficult when you don't feel hungry - at all !

So far, this sleeve rocks ! Will keep on blogging

PS - am trying to set up a UAE support Group - if any of you reading are living in the UAE - it should be on-line here soon.

Take Care All

Onwards & Downwards

VSG 9th March 2010 & Gall Bladder Removal

