2 Months Out - Progress

May 09, 2010

OK - so 2 months and 1 day out and my stats are as follows :

HW : 299
SW : 289
CW : 247

So that's a whopping 52 lbs down from my start and 42 lbs since surgery - this sleeve rocks !

I have been tracking my progress aginst the EWL charts on here and my progress is as follows :

EWL (%'age of excess weight expected to be lost in 18 months)
EWL        My Progress
100%       - 94% of target
90%        - 96.5% of target
80%        - 98.3% of target
65%        - 102% of target

Whilst I would have liked to be at 100% of the 100% EWL now, I have to say that looks quite unrealistic - as it would mean losing 29lbs in the second month which I think is a bit too high.

So, I'll keep on tracking my progress and reporting against it each month and see where I go from here.

Onwards and Downwards

VSG & Gall Bladder Removal - 9th March 20010

