Eating to fuel you body - especially when not hungry

May 12, 2010

So, today I've realised how hard it is to eat to fuel your body, particularly when you are running around all day and frankly just don't feel hungry (I must admit I never thought I would say that before !).

So here's what I've eaten today :

B : 2 slices bacon & 1 fried egg - brown sauce    - eaten at about 11 am
L : 1 chicken kebab stick and 10 french fries     - eaten on the run, in a Lebanese restaurant at 4pm  (I have 3/4 of it in the fridge as take-out)
D : 1/2 cup chicken breast, 1 tsp peas/carrots   - eaten at 9pm
     and some gravy
S : 1 x protein shake                                           - 6pm

So this only gives me 635 cals and 77g of protein. 

I should have some more calories, but am not hungry at all and the thought of eating more is not appealing.  I could have another shake - but it's 11pm now and it takes me a good hour to drink a shake.

I know I had breakfast late, frankly I wasn't hungry before then and could only manage water up until then as I was feeling a bit queasy today.

So I guess my lesson is that I need to think of a way to get my protein and calories in a bit earlier in the day, as leaving it til this late, is too late to play catch up.

On a more positive note, my lunch cost 25 AED so if it makes 4 meals that's less than 6 1/2 AED per meal which works out at approx £1.20/$1.75 a meal - can't be bad.  Though I always feel awful asking for 3/4 of my meal to be put in a box as take-out !

Will do better tomorrow !

