Back from UK & France

Jun 27, 2010

Arrived back from France in the early hours of this morning (3 am), somewhat shattered as we had to get up at 5.30 am to drop people to the station, then go back to the Gite and clean it, pack, and then drop the hire car off before catching the TGV to Paris.  Caught the cab from hell in Paris to take us to the airport - he was all over the road and narrowly avoided two accidents on the motorway !

Flight home was fine - albeit I'm not keen on airplane food - I had ordered a seafood meal which was overcooked and dry. 

Whilst I was away I managed to lose 2lbs - not the greatest of a loss, but I struggled to eat enough protein and know that I had too many carbs on some days.

Typical food was :
Breakfast : 1 egg omelette - usually with mushrooms or cheese
Lunch : Salad with meat or cheese or an omelette
Dinner : Fish or meat with some veggies or a selection of pate and cheese with biscuits and local hams

I also had quite a lot of pate and cheese with biscuits, some fruit and the occassional ice-cream and/or pudding - I think I had 3 in total which is good as I was away almost 2 weeks.  I don't think that I drank nearly enough water either.

Managed to do lots of exercise walking around Paris and little towns in Provence and the Ardeche which was good and on most days I managed to get in 5000 steps at least.

Did some clothes shopping in the UK and was pleasantly surprised at how much slimmer I am - I also managed to fit into a UK size 16 trousers (14 US I think) - which was fab - particularly as I thought they were size 18 !    My size 18 trousers which I bought as my next size down trousers - only 5 weeks ago - are now too big ! - Boy is this going to be an expensive few months !

So now I'm back in Dubai I can get my food shopping done and get back to eating mostly protein, plus I am back exercising - did Pilates this afternoon and have squash planned for the morning.

5 more pounds to lose til I hit a loss of 70lbs which is 5 stone - I am determined to do this before 9th July which will be 4 months since surgery.  I've never managed to lose this much ever before so it's a great target to aim for - before I start focussing on getting below the 200 pound mark !

This sleeve rocks !

