Yay - 70 lbs lost (5 stone!)

Jul 01, 2010

How exciting - this morning I jumped on the scales to see my new weight of 229 lbs which is a massive drop of 70lbs or 5 stone since my surgery on 9th March 2010 - This is the most I have ever lost and I am so pleased.

I joined a new gym today so am planning on trying out some new exercise classes - will start with RPM and Body Combat both of which I have done before and really enjoyed.

Now I'm back from holiday I'm tracking my food again and here's what I ate today :

B : 30 g Bran Buds and 2 fl oz Skim Milk
S : Grande Skinny Misto
L : 1/2 Chicken breast and garlic sauce
S : 3 slices ham
D : 3 slices bacon and 1 oz cauliflower cheese
S : 1/2 apple

Typically I'm having between 700-900 cals per day, at least 70g protein, about 40 g of carbs and 20-30g of fat - some days more and some days less depending on what I'm doing.  I do try and weigh my food when I can just so I can more accurately keep track of quantities.

I'm also drinking at least 2 liters water and taking all my vits.

I exercise at least 4 x per week - 2 games squash, 2 pilates reformer sessions plus exercise at home - Wii, Pilates, Gym, Stability Ball.  I live on the 31st floor of an apartment block so my goal is to be able to walk up all of the floors - so far I can do 6 without stopping (to be fair I only started this morning with this target).

Am now in much smaller clothes - typically UK size 18 (US 16) down from a UK 24-26.  

So I am almost halfway on my journey - I have another 74lbs to go. 

Onwards and Downwards !

