4 Months since surgery : halfway there !

Jul 08, 2010

WOW - today is exactly 4 months since my surgery and I am down 72lbs (5 stone 2lbs) - (33 kilos) !! 

This month I have lost 11lbs and am now exactly half way towards my total loss target of 144lbs (10 stone 4lbs) (66 kilos) which will take me to the middle of the ideal BMI for my height.

I've been tracking my progress against the EWL tracker on this site and here's how I am doing so far :

100% EWL - 93.0%       (16lbs short of 100%)
90% EWL  - 96.5%       ( 8lbs short of 90%)
80% EWL  - 99.6%       ( 1 lb short of 80%)
65% EWL  - 104.8%     (11lbs OVER 65%)

I've been on holiday for the first two weeks of this month, so exercise was really confined to walking - not too bad - I managed to clock up 5,000 steps most days and 12,000 on one day.

I joined a gym for the summer which will be good as it's currently in the high 40's/low 50's outside so anything more than a short walk outside is just too much.

I've stepped up the pace of my squash games and am now playing against my husband too which is great - I usually aim to burn 600 cals in as little time as possible and each time I'm playing I can do this quicker.

I'm also getting better at Pilates and have noticed that we are beginning to do more intensive workouts during my classes.

At home I'm doing some pilates on my reformer, and am also walking up the stairs of my appt block - starting with 10 storeys to begin with but aiming to get to 34 floors over the next month or so.  I've also bought a crazy fit machine which is a bit like a power plate so am using this to help tone up, as well as slendertone for my abs and arms - not strictly exercise - but I'm hoping to tone up as much as possible as I'd love to avoid plastics if possible (but think that I will need some in the end).

Next week I plan to do a RPM class and also body combat class which I really love.  I've also bought a few books on body sculpting which I will use to build a new exercise plan in my gym at the appt.


Eating is good - I'm focussing on good quality protein and trying not to rely on protein shakes too much as I would prefer to get my protein from food.  Still not had steak, but apart from that am eating most things.  I enjoy my daily skimmed latte but cannot do any form of syrup or sugary drinks as they make me feel terrible as I can't cope with the sugar rush.

Am tracking my protein, carbs and cals daily - I'm tending to have 80+g protein, 50-60g carbs and about 800-950 cals per day - this seems to be working well for me - though I'm still low on energy some days.  Am still weighing my food which seems to work well for me.

On holiday I had a few treats - eg 1 profiterole, 2 small scoops of ice-cream - and really enjoyed this - but don't plan on having too much sweet stuff for a long while yet.

HAIR - is falling out by the handful - but is to be expected - just hope I don't go bald !!

DRESS SIZE - UK 16-18 depending on what I am wearing - Not worn these sizes for a long time.  There are plenty of sales on at the moment so I plan on stocking up on a few staple items in smaller sizes to keep me going over the summer.

Well - that's it for now - will post some pictures later.


Debbie - VSG and Gall Bladder Removal - 9th March 2010

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