Just signed up for my next 1/2 marathon

Jul 01, 2011

OK - I admit it - I'm bored !  Recovering from 4 plastic surgery operations in just 7 weeks - is somewhat BORING - I had a 2 week 'gap of freedom' between my first set of surgeries (breast lift and tummy tuck) before having my second set (thigh and arm lift) and during that 2 weeks I think I drove the length and breadth of Dubai and visited all my pals, every mall etc !! 

Well - now I'm somewhat housebound again
and going slightly stir crazy ! (I'm not allowed to drive for 3 more weeks so am dependant on friends for lifts etc, it's also massively hot and humid now so too hot to walk outside even at night time - and to add insult to injury - even if I do make it out, I'm not able to sit down too much when I'm out as the thighs are still tender ! aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh - but apart from that all is well !!)

So this morning, i signed up to run the Ras Al Khaimer (RAK*) 1/2 marathon in Feb next year.  I ran the 1/2 marathon this year somewhat slowly - but at least I started - and more importantly finished !  I was somewhat ill prepared for the race, after all I only ran my first ever 10k three weeks before the 1/2 marathon and on race day I hadn't a clue about the route or just how far 21k's would be (sure I knew it would be 2 x a 10k and a little bit more - but boy did it seem like a lot harder - the 10k was kinda fun - the 1/2 marathon mostly sucked apart from the start and most definately the finish - in between there was a lot of pain/discomfort and swearing ! - don't let me put you off though - crossing the finishing line was the best thing I have ever done - particularly as loads of my friends said they were going to do the race and in the end I was the only one who followed through and did it.

Anyway, I'm not cleared for any form of exercise for another 7-8 weeks yet and to be honest I'm missing exercise terribly - but also - can't imagine doing anything but a slow walk/shuffle at the moment coz of my delicate thighs !  I must say thighs are the most frustrating/hard surgery to recover from - all the rest seem like a 'walk in the park' in comparison (even without the hematoma complication - I still think they are the worse).

So I'm going to use the time productively to start planning out training routes and working out what type of training programme I want to follow to properly prepare.  It will be a challenge to start training in Sept as it will still be hot here - but I think I'll have to start on the treadmill in the gym anyway to begin with and will probably do the C25k programme again.

Anyway - that gives me a bit of work /research to do in my downtime to reach my goal of running it in less than 2 1/2 hours.  I also want to enter the Dubai 10k which normally takes place in Jan - and want to run this in less than an hour which I think is totally doable.  Who knows I may challenge myself to do more runs once I start again - I know I enjoy doing them (in a weird pleasure/pain way) - and it does kinda get addictive !


My twitter challenge #operation_frugal_girl - is going well.  So far we're still eating normal meals.  Grocery shopping of dairy/eggs/fruit & veg this morning was very reasonable - less than £30 which is a big difference than the £120+ bill we normally have each week.

I made a list of all the food we had in the house yesterday - and was somewhat amazed at just how much we have - I'm fairly sure that we can make the whole of July without too much difficulty - albeit there might be some unusual meals on occassion.

OK - off to do some research - if you want inspiration to start running take a look at this blog - this guy inspired me to start running - bendoeslife.tumblr.com/ he's currently doing a bit of a tour of the US - so you never know, maybe he's coming to a city near you.

Off now to research tumbler.com and to decide if I am going to set up an external blog site.

VSG March 2010
TT and Breast Lift April 2011
Thigh & Arm Lift June 2011
          TAKING IT EASY - NOW !!


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