SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
I'm going to hell in a handbasket - Well this past weekend I tempted fate and my food addiction and I lost! UGH!  I made a YUMMY dessert for my family and I of course partaked of it and again and again. Thankfully t...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 9 - Sorry for not posting last night, but I couldn't even load OH!! My Internet connection was soo dang laggy. But, never fear! I have done this lesson and now posting! hehe This o...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 8 - Lesson eight is about schedualing your time and day so that you can get the healthy food into your day. Mine has been done since oh...weeks ago.  I have my schedual on my phone ...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 7 - This to me is probably one of the most important lessons of the book! It is about getting those tempting, junky, unhealthy foods out of the pantry/cupboards and kitchen. Out of...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
evening and late night gorge-fest!! WTF?!?! - This evening and tonight I have literally been eating EVERY hour on the hour!!!! It was a compulsion and I felt like I was starving!!! I would find myself in the kitchen with food ...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Great family dinner recipe!!! And a very nice lunc - I'm posting these on my blog here and on the recipe forum. I'm wondering if it's even worth posting on the recipe forum. I see that there have been several people 'looking' at the ...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
weekly measurements April/20/2010 - I worked out hard last week, and jogged last night and will be jogging again tonight. No gym since Patrick has to work late. Which pisses me off! I mean he was ASKED what day he wa...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Whipping something up for dinner - So, you have a can of beans, some sausage, a bell pepper, onion, and some garlic, what could you possibly come up with in time for the hubby coming home from work?  Why would yo...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 6 - This section was on finding a diet coach. It could be someone you know in RL or over the net. I chose to use OH as my diet coach. I post daily my eating and exercise along with bei...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 5 - This lesson is about eat slowly and mindfully. I have to say that I am already doing this, but it was good to review it. I now will make it a point to always eat at the dinning roo...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Three-for Sunday - So last night I made just a delioucious chicken salad and it made a TON of food! That's what I'm running into with making all these wonderful meals! Since my oldest son is now i...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
what's for dinner? Steak kabobs!! WOOT - Well Fridays are our ordering out and movie night. But, since there is really nothing healthy that I can order, I went ahead and put down a dinner to cook for the night (knowing my...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 4 - This lesson was about acknowledging when you DO follow your diet/exercise plan. When you DON'T give in to temptation. Giving yourself credit! I changed it a bit since I'm Christ...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Not just one...but TWO recipes - Well last night I AGAIN messed up with the marinading process. I just have not marinaded a lot and so forget that you have to allow for TIME for it do that! hehe So I moved up anot...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Thurs was a great, active, busy day - I know many people look at running errands, driving about town to and from appointments and events as bothersome and inconvenient, but for me, since I'm home ALL the time. It was s...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Day 2 of the Beck Diet Solution - Well I have actually read day two AND three since day 2 deals with diets. Since I'm on a healthy eating style I just wrote down what I would be eating and how I would be eating fro...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
The Beck Diet Solution - I had been reading on the VSG forums about this book and had heard great things about from BrandiLynn in particular. So, I got on amazon and ordered it. I started today on the ...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
weekly measurements April/13/2010 - Well not a bit loss from last week, but still losing and inches still shedding off! Last week~ Bust: 46" Waist: 44 1/2" Hips: 49" arms: 15" Thighs: 22" Weight: 238lbs Thi...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
A day of exercising. - Well first off I get some GREAT news!! A lady on here has a grandson at the same army post as my oldest son going through basic the same time! I hope that they are going through ba...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Beef Chipotle recipe - Well today I made a scrumptious dish that nearly everyone loved. Joshua of course doesn't count since he doesn't like meat! hehe He did however approve the tortilla I used for thei...

SuziJones lost 3 lbs since Mar 29 14 years, 1 month ago

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Two Months since WLS....and the results are..... - Well before I get to the pis-ta-d-restiance (said in my BEST french voice! hehe). I have to give a bit of what my trip these past two months have been like. The first week was H...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Homemade chili burritos - 1 lb ground lean beef 1 can drained beans 1 med yellow onion, chopped 1 med bell pepper, chopped 1/2 cup corn (frozen workes great) 1 can diced tomatoes 1 packet taco seasoni...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Peanut Chicken Salad recipe - This is an amazing salad!! I now have a new fave dish...this is it!!! YUMMY~LICIOUS!!! This is a Thai themed dish and it's...words can't describe it. You simply MUST try this!! ...