OH Magazine Announces Digital Transition

November 19, 2012 · 0 comments

OH Magazine Announces Digital Transition Dear OH Magazine Subscribers and Readers, Since July of 2003, OH Magazine has been an important resource for the weight loss surgery community.  Throughout the years, we have shared your weight loss journeys, before and after photos, funny post-op moments, recipes, the latest in bariatrics

Featured Blogger: Wheeee! Puree Baybay!

November 16, 2012 · 0 comments

Featured Blogger: Wrapdiva Wheeee! Puree Baybay! Mmmm...nothing beats mushed up food from the blender!! One more small step towards normalcy. I started pureed food yesterday & I was ready...like WHOA!! All week I have been dreaming of fat free refried beans with melted cheese & a little dollop of Daisy!

Thanksgiving In A Cup Recipe & More Holiday Recipes!

November 15, 2012 · 0 comments

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!  Here are three delicious recipes you might want to try at your holiday celebration.  Enjoy! Thanksgiving in a Cup Makes: about 16 8-oz cups Don't just think turkey, dressing, corn...think pumpkin pie and all the flavors that go with winter! The best part

Thanksgiving Traditions: Pass The Turkey Butt!

November 15, 2012 · 0 comments

Thanksgiving Traditions:  Pass The Turkey Butt! My family has a funny and hopefully not so unique Thanksgiving tradition.  I mean, no one wants to think their family is the only one that plays "pass the turkey butt" right?  What? Your family doesn't do this? Okay, well here is how this

Goal of the Month: Thank Someone!

November 14, 2012 · 0 comments

Goal of the Month: Thank Someone! Thanksgiving celebrations are filled with family traditions, a variety of delicious dishes, and treasured, lasting memories.  Some families include the tradition of going around the table and having each person at their holiday festivities share what they are most thankful for.  But how often

Tips For The Holiday Chef!

November 14, 2012 · 0 comments

Tips For The Holiday Chef! One of the greatest joys of the holiday season is the gift of sharing a feast fit for a King with your family and friends. But preparing a holiday meal can be stressful without careful planning, not to mention expensive. Here are a few tips

Ask The Expert!

November 13, 2012 · 0 comments

Ask The Expert! Members like you asked, and OH’s network of professionals answered! If you have a question for an expert, send your questions to: [email protected]   How long should you wait after your weight stabilizes following WLS to look into plastic surgery?- Lisey Dear Lisey, This is a good

Making Cooking An Event: Recipe Party Time!

November 13, 2012 · 0 comments

Making Cooking An Event: Recipe Party Time! Host A Recipe Sharing Party! Cooking can be fun! Why not invite your family and friends to a recipe extravaganza? You can make it more than a potluck party; make it a fun way to share favorite recipes, to test culinary skills and

Thank You Veterans!

November 12, 2012 · 0 comments

The ObesityHelp Team Salutes our Veterans! Thank you for your service and sacrifice!           -Photo courtesy of Barby JB Crabb

Oh, Those Funny Post-op Moments!

November 12, 2012 · 0 comments

Oh, Those Funny Post-op Moments! When visiting the various OH message boards, you are sure to find many posts that inspire, encourage, and support you throughout your weight loss journey. But what would your journey be like if you didn’t laugh along the way? As they say, laughter is the