Two more mini goals REACHED!!

Jul 11, 2008

Alright...well, I am at my husband's grandparents' house in California - yes, they have a scale, and no - I couldn't resist...had to step on that scale and we've been here less than 24 hours.  Yes, I am a scale adict....that's why we got rid of ours.  For the next week, I will have access to a scale, and yes, I am sure I will weigh a lot - I will try not to weigh more than once a day...that would be good for me.  I have noticed that since we chucked the scale, I am less discouraged because when I do weigh, I HAVE lost weight - so it does encourage really, I am going to try not to weigh on the scale until next Friday, but that might just be too much for me - with it just sitting there, it's too tempting!

So today, when I weighed, I hit two more of my mini-goals - numbers 5 & 6!  My next one is 14.5 pounds away, so it will be a while....but that's ok.  The weight is still coming off - slower now than before, but it's still coming.  

I have had several people tell me I didn't need to lose much more weight...but I'm still in plus size clothes.  The cool thing - I can fit into SOME 16w's...pretty much all 18w's and 20w's are starting to fall off of me now!  YAY!  When I've said that I'm still at 230 pounds people don't seem to believe me and say that I will just be bones at 150 pounds...guess we'll just have to weight and see (pun intended there - I didn't just misspell!)

Anyway, here's an update of my mini-goals...

Goal 1: Reached early March-
To reach Twoterville (under 300lbs)

Goal 2: I didn't make this one, and since surgery is past, it will not happen.  Reach 289 before surgery. 

Goal 3: Reached May 2, 2008 - BMI Under 40, which is 260 lbs (the weight at which I would not qualify for surgery).

Goal 4: Reached May 9, 2008 - Under 250 lbs

Goal 5: Reached July 11, 2008 - Be over half way to my goal - 232 pounds.  I will have lost 83 of 165 pounds.  82 pounds until goal.

Goal 6: Reached July 11, 2008 - BMI Under 35, which is 229 lbs (the weight at which I would not qualify for surgery with co-morbs)

Goal 7: Weight of 214 - have lost over 100 pounds.

Goal 8: Make it to Onederland!  (under 200 lbs) - I want to be here before my family reunion Labor Day Weekend 2008!!!

Goal 9: No longer "obese" BMI, just "overweight" of less than 30 BMI: 196 pounds.

Goal 10: Under 180 - this was my all time low weight of my adult life (which lasted a few months cuz then I got preggo).  And at that point, I will wear non-plus size clothes!! 

Goal 11: Normal weight BMI less than 24.9 = 164 pounds.

Goal 12: Weight of 157 - I will have lost over half of my body weight - loss of 158 pounds!

Goal 13: 150 pounds. Evaluate to see if I feel I need to lose more.

Goal 14: Complete the couch to 5k program.  So I can run a 5k! (As of July 11th - Haven't even started this!)

Goal 15: Do core/strength training three times a week, consistently for three months...and of course, continue on from there. (As of July 11th - Haven't even started this!)

Throwing the scale away...

Jul 03, 2008

Well, my husband decided I was too scale obsessed...mainly that it was discouraging he threw it away.  I'm ok with it.  

So yesterday, I went to the Nutrition Clinic at Madigan (the only way I can weigh now)...and was down to 232.5!! Woo-Hoo!!  that's only 1/2 a pound from my next goal - to be OVER half way -- I am currently officially HALF WAY THERE!!  82.5 pounds down...82.5 pounds to go!  I just added my four month pictures too...enjoy!

We go on vacation Sunday, and I will not be able to weigh until after we get back, hopefully it will be a nice loss...I'm sure I'll be doing lots of walking, hoping that will help.  Well, gotta keep this short...I need to start packing!

Weightloss has slowed A LOT!!

Jun 22, 2008 weightloss has really slowed down over the last's kind of discouraging, but then a couple of suggestions for getting it going better: more protein, more calories, more exercise...

I really have no excuses...I just need to get out there and DO IT!!  I need to start going back to the gym, or exercising here - I have some DVDs, so no excuses!!  I really wanted to get the Core Secrets stuff, but it's hard to find - I bought one on eBay - never got it.  Found one on Craigslist, the people never showed up!  Maybe it's just not meant to be *sigh*

My cousin is a personal trainer, and she said she can do some stuff online with me, so maybe that's where I need to go. 

I really want to start the Couch to 5k again - I REALLY want to run!!  I used to run, and I loved it...I want to be into that again.

Well, that's it for now...I'm 4.5 pounds away from my next goal - hopefully I will hit that soon - I would have liked to have hit that goal before my four months, but I doubt that's going to happen, things are moving WAY too slow for that now.  Oh well.

Updating my mini-goals...

Jun 08, 2008

I had been thinking about my goals.  I have them in order of when I will hit them...since they are number goals.  I have a few other goals that I'd like to reach, but they do not have numbers, so I will add them to the end. I have also added a few number goals in there.

Goal 1: Reached early March-
To reach Twoterville (under 300lbs)

Goal 2: I didn't make this one, and since surgery is past, it will not happen.  Reach 289 before surgery. 

Goal 3: Reached May 2, 2008 - BMI Under 40, which is 260 lbs (the weight at which I would not qualify for surgery).

Goal 4: Reached May 9, 2008 - Under 250 lbs

Goal 5: Be over half way to my goal - 232 pounds.  I will have lost 83 of 165 pounds.  82 pounds until goal.

Goal 6: BMI Under 35, which is 229 lbs (the weight at which I would not qualify for surgery with co-morbs)

Goal 7: Weight of 214 - have lost over 100 pounds.

Goal 8: Make it to Onederland!  (under 200 lbs) - I want to be here before my family reunion Labor Day Weekend 2008!!!

Goal 9: No longer "obese" BMI, just "overweight" of less than 30 BMI: 196 pounds.

Goal 10: Under 180 - this was my all time low weight of my adult life (which lasted a few months cuz then I got preggo).  And at that point, I will wear non-plus size clothes!! 

Goal 11: Normal weight BMI less than 24.9 = 164 pounds.

Goal 12: Weight of 157 - I will have lost over half of my body weight - loss of 158 pounds!

Goal 13: 150 pounds. Evaluate to see if I feel I need to lose more.

Goal 14: Complete the couch to 5k program.  So I can run a 5k!

Goal 15: Do core/strength training three times a week, consistently for three months...and of course, continue on from there.

Praise the Lord! My stall is OVER!!

Jun 08, 2008

So I weighed myself this morning - 242.  Previously when I had been weighing (during my stall), I was as high as 250-252 lbs.  So this is WONDERFUL!  I am so glad this is over.  It's been so frustrating.  If it goes like last time, I will lose about 20 pounds then stall again for another three weeks.  Maybe if I really get on the ball about exercise, I can lose more - stall less?  Who knows.  It just feels good to be losing again FINALLY!

Strange Dreams...and the stall continues...and other stuff

May 28, 2008

Ok...still in my stupid stall.  I was hoping by now the weightloss would have started itself again. Though really it's only been two weeks - last time it was THREE weeks (which week three will end June 3rd - hopefully it will not be longer than last time!!

Onto the strange dreams.  I have been having shopping dreams - where I actually like to shop and try things on - because they fit so easily.  I found the best pair of jeans - loved them...I looked at the tag, and they were a size cool would it be to be in a size six.  

I also had a dream on Sunday night that I woke up Monday Morning and was all of a sudden a size 9 - but even those were a little big - it was just the smallest size I had in my stuff (I do actually have a couple of 9/10 items of clothing - I have never worn them, I just found them along my path and held onto them because "someday".  At least this someday can now become a reality.

Ok...I really need to get into the exercising thing...I have been putting it off and putting it off.  I even have a Walkmill (like a treadmill, but you're really only supposed to walk on it) - my mom gave it to me...I need to get it cleaned up and bring it back in the house - and TRY to find some space for it.  My goal - is to exercise three days a week for 20-30 minutes to start.  I would like to get it up more, but for now that's a start.  

I do have some resistance bands, so I know I can do that, but I also want to see about meeting with a trainer at the base here, so I can get some individual attention on ideas of what I should do.  The resistance machines are good.  My issues are not wanting to drive over to ft. lewis every day to exercise, but then what are my other options?  Get up and go before Adam has to leave for work at 7:15am...go to the gym here...I could do that, but do I want to?  Do I want to exercise at all?  Nope.  But I know I need to.  I know I'll continue to lose weight even if i don't exercise, but if I do exercise, I will lose more, I will lose it faster, and I will build lean muscle mass...I need that.  

Alright...goals for this week - exercise today and Friday...for at least 20 mintues.  Call the gym and find out about meeting with a trainer.

The Wonderful World of Stalling...

May 25, 2008

*sigh* Well, I'm still in my stall.  Someone on the RNY board said something that I liked...they said, "if you're still losing inches, then you are not in a stall."  So that's a great thing to keep in still FEELS like a stall - but I have been losing some inches.  

My weight loss stall began May 13th - but I have since lost 6.75 inches from various places on my body.

I have been able to fit into a couple of size 18 jeans - but then in some jeans i still wear 20 and 22.  I went to Old Navy and pulled a size 20 off the shelf and they fit me!!!  That was really cool...I didn't buy them - because at this point it's kinda dumb to spend $30 on a pair of jeans that will hopefully be too big in just a month or so (hopefully less).

I really need to get into an exercise routine.  I can go to Jensen Gym and they have childcare, but I really hate dragging the boys around during the day - I like to have days where we just stay at home - or close to home.  We used to go in the morning when we did, but now that we're homeschooling - pretty much officially - we'd have to go in the afternoon - and that's a needed nap time I'm thinking.  

I just looked it up - and the fitness centers here on McChord open at 5am.  And are opened until 9pm.  Maybe I just need to get up early and go do it?  I think I'll give a call on Tuesday and try to find out about seeing a trainer - and find out when aerobics classes are - I wonder if they have one in the very early morning...probably not - but maybe on an evening.  I think it might be a good resource for me to take advantage of.  

I really liked the idea of the couch to 5k, but I'm not sure if I can do it...maybe I'll do it on a treadmill instead - I'm just scared of the way my shins were hurting.  I just wish I had someone to exercise with - it makes it so much easier to do it when you have someone counting on you.  I wish I could get my husband to exercise with me...*sigh*

Alright...I'm a wimp...

May 21, 2008 I only did one day of the couch to 5k...but it's because I started to get shin i needed to take it easy.  I want to get back to it, but I'm afraid it will hurt.  I at least need to be walking.  I am going to take the boys for a walk today but I know that's not really exercise - exercise is getting my iPod going and walking fast!

Anyway, I have been on a stall - hate those...but it looks like it's almost over.  
With my stalls - I actually go up 5-10 pounds and stay there for a while, then start dropping again - usually drop that 5-10 pounds almost instantly and then start dropping my low weight is 243 - then I gained about 7 - was around 250 for about a week or so...this morning showed 246...hoping that means I'm on my way back down!!!

Couch to 5k - day 1!

May 14, 2008

So I did it! I did my first day of Couch to 5k.  I didn't make it through all of the running - the last three were the toughest, and I had to stop running early.  But I did as much as I could.  I'm sure it will get easier - well they say it will anyway. 

I found a Christian Podcast for it, and it's pretty cool - because they tell you when to walk and when to run.  They have podcasts for all of the eight weeks.  I might be doing week one for two weeks, but we'll see how it goes.

I feel good though.  I feel good about myself for getting up and doing it.  Though I have to admit, I didn't want to get cat woke me up at 5:30am - she was out of food *sigh*.  So I decided to go back to sleep and I told myself if I wake up close to 6:15, I'd go, if not, I needed the sleep.  Well, I woke up at I dragged myself out of bed and got ready to go.

I just hope I can keep it up! Supposedly, it will eventually get EASY to run three miles.

Getting the exercise...

May 13, 2008

I've got to do something...I used to run...and I'd like to again.  So....I'm gonna start the Couch to 5k program.  It sounds like it will work, and I would love to start running again.

So...if I can drag my butt out of bed in the morning before Adam goes to work, I'm gonna start!!  I've been really tired lately, so hopefully I can do it tomorrow...otherwise I'll put it off until next week.  There are some cool podcasts to help time what you're supposed to do, so I'm gonna try to get that figured out...but for some reason iTunes isn't opening for me on my computer --- not sure why.  

Anyway, my goal then would be to do that each week...they say that if you're really struggling with a week, then you repeat it before moving on.  So I can't say that I want to get to the 5k in 8 weeks since I might have to repeat a week here or there, but I would really like by the second week in July, I would really like to be running 5k (or three miles) three or more times per week!

About Me
Dalzell, SC
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2006
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