I'm in Bum F*ck Egypt

Jan 06, 2010

Or so it seems.  In the middle of nowhere, VA, for the next 6 days.  Got here yesterday.  Didn't bring any protein.  Was thinking I'd grab some at a Smoothie King or something....WRONG!!  Not one close.  I'm in the dad gum woods.  Plus I don't even have a car here.  I'm basically in classes all day from 8 in the morning till like 9 pm or later.  Get to the room and have to do home work, gym, finish reading a book.  Not much time to do sh#t else cause I'm tired as hell.

Luckily there is a gym.  Only three meals per day from the mess hall.  The bad thing is that they have friggin snacks in the back of the class room all day.  Donuts, crackers, candy, soda, chips etc.  Argghhhhhh.  All the stuff I like but definitely don't need.  This is hard.  I try to eat as much protein at breakfast, lunch and dinner as I can.  Luckily, I can get a three egg omellette in the morning.  I try to load up with meats at lunch and dinner and try to get in at least 20 grams per meal. 

I got lucky and bummed a ride to a local mini mart and got three bags of jerkey.  That will help some.  Hopefully I'll be able to get to a WM to grab some protein this weekend. 

Key lesson here is never leave home for a week without packing protein.  Sucks!!!!


Dec 22, 2009

My inlaws are on the way down for Christmas.  Mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, her boyfriend and son.  Don't know why I'm stressing.  They were supposed to be here Christmas day and leave the day after.  Got a call last night and said they had left and already heading this way.

I'm trying to remain positive about the whole situation but I predict there will be at least two occassions where I will get so f*cking frustrated and lose it and go off on errybody!!  

And it will be all because of simple stuff.  For example, you don't go to someone's house and touch their thermostat; you don't open their door and stand there letting their heat out so you can have your got d@mn cigarette, you don't put your feet up all over someone's couch and on and on and on.  So much for remaining positive. 

My heart rate has increased just thinking bout it.  I will need some prayer to make it through.  Hopefully this vent will help a little. I'm about to hit the mall to wrap up some additional shopping.

Missed Gym Time

Nov 25, 2009

Went to gym on Monday.  Ran on TM.  Missed Tuesday and today.  Will obviously miss Thanksgiving tomorrow.  Miss 3 days this week.  Feel guilty as hell.  Will make it up Fri, Sat and Sunday.  And then start the routine all over on Monday!!!!



Nov 16, 2009

Ran on the street today for the first time in a long while.  Felt great!!  I knew running on the treadmill is different than the street, but it was not too bad at all.  I felt light on the feet and was able to carry a pretty good speed. 

I'll continue the treadmill and will continue to phase in street time.  My only problem was that f*cking TERRIBLE itching I get when I exercise vigourously for the first time.  It makes me want to .  I hate it.  I'd rather be in pain.  As a matter of fact, it itches so bad it's painful.  Thankfully, it subsides after a few minutes.  By the time my run ends, my legs are covered in scratch marks.  Looks like I met up with Freddy Krueger on the trail.

Don't know what causes it.  I think I read it's the blood circulating vigorously through the veins.  I've had this issue for years, even when I was in the Corps.  Back then I would get it if I didn't run for a week or two.

But, glad to be able to get on the street today. 

Over & Out

KWIK NOTES 11/4/09

Nov 03, 2009

Threw up last night after eating a pork chop sammich.  Let myself get too hungry and then tried to woof it down.  Got about 3/4 of it down and started to feel like sh*t.  Lesson learned.  DS didn't go anywhere.  It's still here and doing its job.

Visited surgeon a few weeks ago.  Said he expected me to lose more weight.  Currently between 5-9 lbs below goal.  I feel fine right here.  Don't want to lose any more.  But I'm on the border line of normal and overweight on the BMI chart, which is fine with me.

Glucose is holding low.  It's in the mid seventies upon rising every single morning.  Every once in a while I'll test it about an hour after eating something sweet.  The last time I did it, I ate a good size bowl of ice cream at night before bed time.  When I checked the glucose about 30 minutes later it was 98.  Don't know if it was on its way up higher or coming down from a higher number.  The next morning it was 75.  Prior to surgery, I'd be looking at 300 the next morning. 

Wifey bought me three t shirts yesterday.  I've been weaing size mediums for the past several weeks and they've gotten loose.  I tried these three t shirts on and they were snug.  Wifey loves em.  I told her I would have to wear these first thing in the morning before I eat anything.  I mean they were not tight but snug than a mofo.  She was asking me if I wanted to keep them or if she should take them back to get size mediums....  To GET size mediums??  "What size are these?", I asked hysterically.  "Small!", yelled Wifey.  I made a mad dash and picked up the shirts to confirm.  Holy smoke, I was wearing a size small T shirt for the first time since maybe junior high???  Needless to say, I had mixed feelings.  Lost weight but don't want to be a small. 

"GAS GAS GAS".  This is what we used to yell when I was in the Marine Corps during a gas attack drill.  I've been yelling it quite a bit lately.  Sometimes it's debilitating.  I've had to lie down on the floor a couple of times to try to releive the symptoms.  My belly bloats and swells.  I try to pass gas but sometimes cannot initially.  Then eventually, I am able to pass the gas and get some relief.  The smell is nothing to laugh at either.  I've been taking Devrom without much success.  I'm nearly done with an entire bottle and I cannot say it does what it claims, at least for me.  So now I'm searching for something else to try.

No other notes at this time.


Sep 05, 2009

Just over 5 months out and feeling great.  Loving the surgery more and more every single day.  Visited my PCP yesterday to discuss labs we did the prior week.  A1C was 5.3.  It's been as high as over 11 in recent years.  The PCP said my A1C was lower than his and he's not even diabetic.  My cholesterol was fine.  Good cholesterol was a little low.  Got a plan to try to fix that.

Weight has bounced anywhere from 189.x to 191.x for about the past couple weeks.  I normally check my blood pressure at Wal Mart and it's always around the 120/80 mark.  But when I went to the MD yesterday, my weight was 186 with shoes and clothes on.  And my blood pressure was 110/80.  My revised goal is between 185 and 190, so about 187 is where I want to be.  So, that works for me.  Went to look for a shirt yesterday and for the first time in probably over 12 years was able to comfortably wear a medium.  Wifey bought me one as well as a pull over.  I have to actually use the fitting rooms now when I shop.  Prior to surgery, I would just grab whatever 2X shirt and size 44/46 shirt I could find and be done. 

Diet is becoming more progressive.  Able to eat a wider variety of foods.  That's both good and bad.  Now is the time I need to really be on the game and apply some of those basic principles to help maintain healthy weight and remain nutritionally healthy .  Such principles are continuing to exercise, consuming plenty of protein, H2O and vitamins and reinforcing the fact that I don't have to eat unhealthy food just because it's there in front of me.  Food will always be here.  I want die just because I didn't buy that piece of cheese cake at Books-a-Million today.  Because there will be cheese cake there tomorrow and the next day, the next and the next.  It ain't going no where.  I'm teaching myself that it's okay to delay my cravings.  Notice:  key word is teaching!!!

Exercise is still going good.  My strength is returning but ever so slowly.  Arggggghhhhh.  I have to check the ego upon entering the gym.  It's frustrating some times.  But for years I tried to attain the big bulky muscular look and ended up with the big fat arse look .  But I'm liking my results more now.  I'm smaller but becoming more muscularly defined.  Cardio 3 times per week.  Normally running on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes.  The other two days I do strength training.  I try to take weekends off so I can recuperate, however whenever I don't make that goal during the week, I hit the gym up during the weekend.  Either that or double up (cardio and strength train) in one night.  

No other significant happenings to report at this time.  Echo Out!!



Jul 27, 2009

198 lbs out of the rack this morning.  Been hovering at the 198/199 mark for the past couple weeks.  Wearing a size 34/36 trouser (down from 46).  It’s funny cause I can fit most 34’s but some I cannot.  I can fit them over my arse but cannot button them up.  Then again, some 36’s seem too big.  I bought two pairs of 34’s and one 36 a couple weeks back.  The 36 was fine and one of the 34’s was fine.  Tried to put on the other 34 and had problems.  Because I am disproportionate, I have decided to change my goal from the 195-200 range to the 185-190 range.  Hopefully this will put me in a medium shirt and loose 34’s. 


Protein consumption is pretty good.  I’m getting very creative with my protein shakes and smoothies.  I’m adding things like vanilla flavoring extract, Hershey’s unsweet cocoa and cinnamon to kick the taste up a notch.  I’m also experimenting with crushing up my vitamin D pills and mixing that in.  I’m still exercising regularly.  I make it a point to get those three days of cardio in per week, normally Mon, Wed and Fri.  I strength train Tues and Thurs.  I find that I’m gaining my strength back but it’s way slower than I imagined, which is frustrating.  I have also changed my fitness goals.  Previously, I chased the big and muscular dream, whereas now I’m going for the long, lean and tone look.  This one seems to be working out a lot better.


Glucose levels are still at bay, thank GOD!  I check about once per week.  The last time I checked was a couple mornings ago and it was at 78.  I’ve checked the blood pressure at WM a few times and a couple of times it was at the below normal level but mostly at normal levels.  So, the sugar and blood pressure levels are the things I’m so cautiously thankful for.  I always remind myself that they can easily slip back up when I start to slip up.  People cannot believe me when I tell them how high my sugar levels used to be.  My four daily pills (2 of those were twice per day) were not doing a bit of good.  And they were all at the maximum dosage.  I was one doctor’s visit away from being put on insulin. 


Strangely, I find dealing with compliments very difficult.  I try to be reserved and humble.  People tell me, “you looking good” etc and I thank them and try to move on to another subject.  Wifey says be proud.  I am but don’t want to give people the wrong impression.  Don’t want them to think I’m conceited.  I know I probably shouldn’t care what folks think.  I normally don’t  but in this area, I struggle.  I guess it’s baggage from way back when.


Visited the surgeon a couple weeks back.  All was good.  He’s pushing for me to get the BA vitamins.  I told him I poo about twice a week.  He said he didn’t have a problem with it if I didn’t.  O-kayyyy???? 


No other significant events to report at this time.  Just thankful every day.  What a blessing!! 


Echo OUT!! 


Quick Update 6/8/2009

Jun 08, 2009

Just wanted to provide a quick update.  Today, my official weight was 214 right out of the rack.  That puts me at about 54 pounds gone.  14 lbs till goal range.  My range is between 195-200.  I stalled between the weights of 119-122 for weeks.  Finally I stopped getting on the scale every day and believe it or not, ate some ice cream and the next day I was 115.  Go figure.  This was after weeks of strict low carbing (under 50 per day).  So, now I've been at the 115 mark for about two weeks, with 114 for the first time today.

I exercise regularly.  My routine normally consists of 45 minutes on the treadmill.  That's 25 minutes of fast pace walking and the last 20 minutes running.  It's so great that I can run again without my friggin knee giving me the awful pain.  My alternate routine is 15 minutes fast walking on treadmill, 15 minutes on step master and 15 more minutes on treadmill.  My cardio is three days per week and two on the weights.  I've had a considerable loss of strength overall.  It makes me freaking sick!!  But I'm rebuilding slowly by showly. 

I had to break down and buy some new pants yesterday. There is only so much altering my wife can do.  Yeah, she altered my pants to fit my waste but they sag lick crazy in the ass.  I show up to work looking like a gangsta with my saggin trousers.  What's worse, I took 3 pairs of size 46 pants to have tailored prior to surgery.  I asked that 4 inches be taken in.  I picked them up last week, after paying $54  and proceeded directly to Goodwill because I knew they would have fallen right off my azz.  My goal size is 36.  I tried on 38's yesterday and to my amazement they were a "just right" fit.  The only pre op stuff that still fits is exercise wear and that looks crazy big on me.  The only reason it fits is because they all have draw strings that I can sinch up.

The Goodwill has really been a blessing.  I've been able to get some nice shirts to wear to work as well as some t shirts.  In turn, I've dropped off two loads with another to drop this weekend.

I can pretty much eat what I want.  I tend to keep carbs at 50-75 daily.  I go over sometimes when I have a good cardio day but stay under 100.  I'm good with vits at this point.  I added more D and started on magnesium to help with this terrible constipation.  I've had four of THE WORST sh*ts in my entire life the past couple weeks.  I hope this magnesium works.  I'm also trying to increase water, but it's hard.  I just got to push through it.  I try to eat plenty of fat.  I have 2-3 strips of bacon a day along with coffee and some pork chops.  I also have green beans or some other complex carb vegie.

Visited the doc a couple weeks ago.  He agreed I should stay off all meds except Zocor for my cholesterol.  He told me to come back in 3 mos for another blood test and if good to come back in 6 mos and if good the I'll have a yearly visit.  Sugar rises and falls.  Morning tests are always under 110. I check a couple hours sometimes after eating a carby treat to see if it falls.  Thankfully it does, but I am always mindful of the fact that as soon as I start my old habits that the sugar will soon be on the rise again.  Prior to surgery I was on 4 meds for diabetes.  I would go to bed with sugar at 250 and wake up at 250 if not higher!!!

I really feel grateful for having the surgery.  Many areas in my life have benefited.   From being able to think more clearly at work to having so much energy from the time I wake until late night.  I don't get the after work "zombie" pass out in my recliner any more.  I'm on the go all day!!!  Feels great.  Wife is keeping me busy in and out the rack (I know TMI).  We actually went to the beach this past week end and I actually felt like going.  Thinking about going dancing this weekend.  WOW!!

Okay I'm writing a book here.  Lots to say.  I'll have to save some for next time. 

echo out.


05/10/2009-WEEKLY UPDATE

May 10, 2009

Doing well this past week.  225 lbs out of the rack this morning.  Five lbs lighter than past two Sundays.  I've been stalling a bit.  Been watching carbs pretty closely this week, except one day.  I purposely drank a cup of whole milk with Hershey's syrup one night prior to hitting the rack (going to bed) so I could see what my morning fasting sugar would be.  I'm happy to report that it was 111.  It's been below 126 (fasting diabetic threshold) for at least two weeks now.  My low energy periods seem to be decreasing.  But sometimes they hit me and I don't really feel like doing shit!  Taking vits regularly.  Nurse said she didn't think I needed as much calcium as I was taking (2000 mg).  Said I might be able to get by on 1k daily.  I'll reduce and check the labs.  Also said I didn't really need a separate iron since it's already in my multi's.  Again, labs will tell. 

Had this type of pulling muscular pain in my side at least once this week.  Doesn't seem like gas but more like right behind my incision sites.  It's sharp and increases with certain movements.  It happens mostly when I walk forcing me to walk slowly and slightly hunched forward.  Seem to be having fewer occassions though.  Surgeon didn't think it a big deal.  Said I could do pretty much what I wanted as far as exercise.  No more exscuses (dangit).  I'm doing my pushups and situps at home for now and some cardio.  I'll ease into the machines later.

Thankfully wifey is a skilled seamstress and has offered to take in my pants.  I got nothing that fits except some active wear for excercise and it's baggy as hell.  I've been sinching pants up and have had to untuck all my shirts to hide my sinched up pants.  Dropping another load to Goodwill today and will pick up a shirt or two while I'm there.

Took wifey out last night for Mother's Day.  Happy to report I was able to tolerate nearly a third rack-o-ribs (baby back), a few bites of garlic mashed potatoes with cheese and sour cream, a couple bites of corn on the cob and a glass of unsweet tea.  Probably the largest meal post op.  I ate very slowly, small bites.  Family was waiting on me to finish for a change.  I got the feeling that people were watching me and thinking why is that big ass guy eating and drinking so slowly.  No spasms; no pain. Beleive me, I've never had to take ribs home from the restaraunt.  Felt funnny.

No other significant events to report at this time.  Echo out.


May 03, 2009

Haven't moved all week.  Still 230 this morning same as one week ago but I'm not worrying.  Guess I've hit the first stall.  Ate pretty good yesterday.  Made the three hour drive to visit my Mom and Grandma.  Check this out.  They had fried chicken, potato salad, black-eye peas, cream corn, chicken dumplings, corn bread and tea.  Got-O-Mighty!!  I got a small piece of chicken and a couple table spoons of peas.  That went down really well.  No cramps at all.  That's even with a protein bar and gatorade on the drive up.  Wish I could have had some of the dumplings. Had about half a Church's chicken tender strip today.  Negative spasms.

Generally, I feel pretty good throughout the day.  I'm tired at bed time most nights, especially last week.  Been drinking gatorade, yooha drink and other sugary drinks.  I know it's not ideal and I plan to combat the urge to drink surgar this week.  I'm stocking up on SF drinks.

Had side pains last week at least a couple days.  Haven't had any in the past couple days.  Taking vits pretty good.  Took first iron tab last night.  Energy gets low at least once duing the day.  Probably need to increase fluids.  Sutures healing up pretty good.  Visiting surgeon Tuesday.  Planning on starting exercise the latter part of the week. 

Echo Out

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Surgery Date
Feb 06, 2009
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