Support is important! Jan 21 08

Jan 21, 2008

God Bless Vicki in a clam shell, and the lovely ladies of the DS support group in Indy for their kindness and encouragement. I have felt alone since losing the RNY support group I have known for over 7 months. I needed the connection of others who understand and have been or are going though the same process that I am.
I had a lovely time with the Indy DS support group tonight at a restaurant. They are wonderful smart, beautiful, fun and encouraging people.  

After encouragement from Vicki and a priceless Email address....I was successful on the 4th attempt to get info from the surgeon’s office today. They emailed back and said 52 pages had been faxed to the insurance on my behalf Jan 15 (Over a week after my appointment). 

I was also told they still had not received the requested info from the psych (4 requests have been made to that Psych to forward the paperwork)....She is an interesting case in herself. I had been required to meet with her 3 times for MPlans 6 month program...the first meeting was a get to know you for about 20-30 minutes. The second meeting was a 2 hr 500 question test....Things like do you prefer to be a florist or race car driver- do you want to hurt animals, get even with people, do you want to write a book, do you like blue or green and of course the standard did you love your mom, dad asked several times in various ways. 

At the 3rd meeting she had my husband attend and give us the "results" of the test....She said first off "you must be a dishonest person because NO ONE IS AS NICE AS YOU PROTRAYED YOURSELF TO BE ON THE TEST" ....She then predicted that my husband and I would need marriage counseling after my surgery as I would become a flirt and he would have to deal with a trophy wife....After we recovered from our stunned silence-BOTH of us asked her what on the test would indicate these things? She said "I can't tell you!”
DUH!! Can't tell us??? Make a wild claim like that and not be able to tell us why they would come to that conclusion? 

Well this (now labeled) “dishonest soon to be flirty trophy wife" thinks the Psych was good for a laugh but that’s the only truth in the matter just a good laugh and story to tell. 

But look out OPRAH--- I did find out what my new "compulsion" is...I am now turning into a cleaning machine...yap can eat off my floors now!...My poor chinchilla really hates the dreaded vacuum that has begun to wake him from his sound sleep like a mechanical rooster each and every morning. My Shy little 14 ounce guy has taken to waging daily battle against the Goliath of a Sucking Monster. His fast little furry tush attacking and chasing the Sucking Monster in hopes of regaining his past quieter life of peace and dust filled dreams. 

 OOPS Got to go--- see some dust!    











GERD/LRP Heart Burn results

Jan 15, 2008

Date 1/16/08 
I was directed by my PCP to take 1 prilosec per day for 6 months for Advanced GERD. I had awful dizziness, numbness & tingling in arms & legs, vision problems fatigue, muscle pain and headaches lump in throat. I thought the Heart burn was better so stopped taking it in Sept 2007. I didn't connect it at the time but most of the symptoms went away. In Nov 2007 I had been having trouble for the past year with a lump in my throat, hoariness and trouble swallowing. I was sent to an ENT and was diagnosed with LRP(laryngopharyngeal Reflux--which means advanced Gerd had damaged my throat/Larynx which can lead to cancer) The ENT ordered me to take 2 prilosec a day for the next YEAR. 

Very soon after starting 2 a day I began to have symptoms which got worse with time. Insomnia, panic attacks, night tremors, memory problems, and heart flutters -(which are the reason I began researching Prilosec and found this site). I stopped the prilosec 4 days ago and the Heart burn has returned and is AWFUL!! BUT about 99% of ALL the symptoms have already ended! Just a few Heart flutters left less and less with each passing day! There is NO doubt the Prilosec was the cause. I called the doc today for a RX for heart burn he said cut back to 1 prilosec a day and continue taking it! I said NO please let me try something else. So I will be trying another RX starting tomorrow.

I called Dr Inmans office today for the 2nd day in a row to try to talk to a person. I wanted to see if the insurance papers got sent off without problem. I have not received any type of comformation letter as I was told to expect last week. SO I want to make sure there is no holdup. I still didn't get to talk to anyone, left yet another message. Worrisome  

Prilosec Side effects

Jan 12, 2008

Jan 12 2008
I have been suffering from some mysterious symptoms getting worse lately. Could almost qualify for that Mysterious diagnoses TV show! 

I attributed it to stress about surgery. But the symptoms were getting so bothersome they can't be ignored. So I figured it must be something more. I began to dig around for info. 

A few years ago I had been diagnosed with heart burn then it got worse with weight gain and went into GERD and by Nov 2007 I found out it had progressed even worse into LRP- meaning the acid had damaged my voice box and irritated my throat..I didn't even know I had heart burn anymore as I thought I was symptom free! But was told it was so bad that without treatment it could go into cancer. SO the ENT put me on 2 prilosecs a day. 

In the past when I took them I would have the side effect of extreme dizziness but just lived with it. Continuously since Nov I have had weird things happening such as trouble thinking and typing, arm jerking in the night, tingling and numbing of arms and legs, fatigue but not able to sleep, strong constant heart flutters, lump in my throat, mood swing, panic attack, and vision blurs. 

Having one or two of the symptoms could just be age or stress-- but when they started mounting up it could NOT be ignored. 

I began to do some research and found a site that has over the counter and RX drug side effects with reviews-- OH MY GOODNESS I was shocked there were 329 entries for Prilosec and they were ALL VERY similar to my symptoms! 

I have decided that I will stop taking the prilosec NOW and see if there is any improvement- if so I will need to find something else to help. The ENT had said I would need to have surgery to correct the problem or of course the risk of cancer would increase. I told him I was seeking WLS and he said "perfect that should take care of it". 

SO we shall see I will make myself a guinea pig to see if in fact the symptoms will go away when the med is stopped.  




Trying to understand how to use this site

Jan 09, 2008

Never been part of a forum or site like this so still trying to figure it out.  Guess I need to begin to log my journey here.  So here goes!

I saw Dr Inman Monday Jan 7 2008. She didn't have much to say. She answered my questions in a matter of fact way...I had covered all my bases by making copies of my food and exercise log for the past 4 months, made a weight graph from old weight records dating back to 1975! Very depressing to see my weight on a CONSTANT rise with VERY few bumps!! My biggest decline and weight loss was 2007 Jan-Nov lost 56 pounds. Only to be told by MANY dietitians and the insurance gal that I NEED to GAIN to be in the safe zone! SO I put on 6 pounds FELT LOUSY! all my symptoms joint pain, fatigue, asthma, etc came right back. I wore heavy cloths had the meeting late in the day and they weighted me with my COAT ON! so I weighted 12 pounds MORE than I had in November...VERY depressing --but they were all happy that I was higher BMI and weight...The doc was thrilled with the pages being filled with info and the charts, copies of everything I could think of. She asked why I wanted DS instead of the RNY that I had started out with as my goal in May of 2007. I whipped out my 2 page compairson of DS/RNY  Pros and Cons (for ME and my lifestyle) She was pleased. Now it is a sit and wait game..PRAYING like crazy for Gods will and timing in all this. My husband said he has seen Gods hand in that I didn't get the RNY surgery in Dec when I should have. AND the fact that the only DS Doc in Indiana works just 20 mintues from us. So what am I worried about???!! That is for another entry later I guess.             

About Me
Indianapolis, IN
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2008
Member Since

Friends 37

Latest Blog 54
November 11 2008
4 months today! November 5 2008,
RETURNED GIFT!!! Sep-19 08
