Sep 27, 2008

That darn scale finally budged properly! Went to Curves today and I dropped 4 lbs since last week, what a relief I've been so stuck.
and I ate PIZZA this week too, gave in and had some so I could up my calories and unshock my system, so it seems to have worked. thankfully cause the past 2 weeks I lost 1 lb. each week and it was bouncing up and down, very frustrating, but finally! that makes me feel so much more positive. I truly was starting to feel like the scale wasn't gonna cooperate and that I might be someone the surgery doesn't work for, crazy I know but it's been 2 months today and to just have lost 21 lbs. it was depressing, so now I lost 25 lbs. in 2 months still not great but it's something. So now I am going to do Curves and hopefully that will help keep my spirits up a little, I did the circuit just once by myself today cause it was my first time and I need to see how it was going to affect my surgery spots since it's the first "real" exercise I've done since surgery and because I am still so sick with this cough, cold and headache didn't want to overdo it. But I'll be there tomorrow!

That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!


Sep 12, 2008


  WOW, so it's been 7 weeks and it's been going slow for me. I've lost 20 lbs since surgery and that to me is a huge disappointment, I thought I would at least lose 30 lbs or more in the first month but that wasn't to be

and I'm sad about it!

I have been stuck for most of the time, last night I somehow finally lost 1 lb. so maybe the scale will start moving. Anywho, unbeknowst to me I still had the UTI, which turned out to be bladder infection and I finally got the correct stronger antibiotic last week, so maybe that will help my body cooperate. Could be that infection had me bloated and why I felt so yucky. Then to top it off last week I got a flu bug, i'm coughing, congested and then sick to my stomach. A whole lot of folks at work sick too. I had to miss a day of work this week and I was not liking that, I did not want to miss any time until Nov. when I have to be off for Mellie's baby coming but my stomach was sick so obviously I couldn't leave the house.

All in all I'm okay. Enjoying my grandson he's so beautiful 4 1/2 months old and a precious gift. he's so funny, he plays, rolls around, talks alot, smiles and is just so happy. 8 more weeks and granddaughter arrives. I'm gonna have my hands full with 2 grandbabies in diapers. I tell you Travis is a handful, he's so active, it's exhausting. But he's fun and I miss him when he doesn't come to visit me in my room.

It's so weird how sometimes I actually have to remember I had surgery, I actually forget! One day this week I forgot and I ate a piece of toast so fast it was very painful. just got back from lunch and of course had to make myself stop eating to avoid major pain. I'm still training myself not to eat with my eyes, to listen to my pouch. which is the entire point of the surgery to have a smaller stomach that tells you to stop stuffing your face, unfortunately I still have days when I think I'm right and not my pouch and I take one more bite and then I'm in trouble. have to quit doing that, but I've been alot better than I was when I first had surgery. takes time but I'll get it. Now if my foot would stop hurting I could get to some exercises. I still walk as much as I can but it hurts my foot i have to get back to podiatrist to see what else can be done, barring surgery, don't want to do any of that for a long time.

So that's about it for now, i'm still learning how to work with my new pouch, sometimes not even remembering I had the surgery cause it seems like a dream now. Still going on with my life, trudging along.

That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!


Jul 22, 2008


  So it's almost 5 weeks since surgery and I've had some rough days but for the most part I'm doing okay. I had put 1 of the goals on my Obesity Help.com blog that I wanted to lose 50 lbs. well as of this a.m. I have lost 51 lbs. 34 pre op and 17 post op. So I am closer to goal than I could imagine.

My vacation was great, my sister Jean is always good to me and showed me some fun in the sun and at a Yankee game. it was awesome.

Today I am back to work after 5 weeks off, man it's tough I am pretty tired. my energy ran out about 12 and i'm about to fall asleep. I feel pretty good, everyone at work was very welcoming and complimentary and made it easy for me to come back. it's been a long day but it's almost over. I can't wait for it to be done so I can go home and throw myself in bed. not even hungry today I had: turkey, cheese, fruit, propel water and two chicken wings (no drummette) I'm not hungry but I will be soon. gonna eat a little something else before I leave here so I won't be starved by the time I go home.

I must say it hasn't been easy, it's actually harder than I imagined. Of course going from size 22/24 to size 16 is awesome but it's alot of hard work. it's hard not to eat what you want, it's hard to sit and watch others eat what you want. it's hard to control your mouth and not overeat because the pain afterwards is unreal. BUT it's great to feel good, walk up stairs without a problem, which I did yesterday! feel good about how I feel, I still need to lose about 60 lbs. to be down good but every morning the scale is moving now 1 to 2 lbs. a day so I will get there eventually. Now i'm about to search for a gym. i need to do something for me. if not, i'll join curves. i need something.

well off to the races, i will be leaving soon. so glad i made the entire day I didn't expect to.

That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!


Jul 22, 2008

Good morning all, well it's been 4 days now it hasn't been a picnic far from it, i had a rough couple of days but today is the Lord's day and I am so grateful to be alive I can't complain. Today is day 4 and I'm doing pretty well. i had a hard time sleeping cause I can't quite find my spot but i managed to get some sleep and I will survive with my naps.

Today I woke up with less discomfort and I changed into one of my snazzy nightgowns (thanks Sharon)cleaned my room a little and I'm trying to keep a positive attitude cause I know that will help me feel better. 

so far today my menu has consisted of van. pudding, chamo tea and water. I decided i am not overdoing it because yesterday i started with jello tea and water and felt pretty good but in the afternoon i had isopure, water, jello and homemade chicken broth and it ruined my afternoon and night. i had to literally lay down from about 3:00 until this morning in order to try and relieve the discomfort, and maybe sleep through it.

    today I woke up with no discomfort but now have a little from the moving around and eating but put on a heating pad and should be feeling better soon. I know everyday will be better so that's all I can do is hope for the next day.   let me tell all of you something particular, i don't know if you remember that I mentioned I get panic attacks. when i went in for my endoscopy but in december I had one when the nurse was going to put the mask on me. so i told my surgeon that i needed something to help me calm down before everything started. well they called me back to the preop area and started with the talking, iv's prep, shots etc. and I was pretty good. my stomach was nervous but also still having noisy issues from that wonderful prep stuff. anyway, when they said lets go and i got up to walk to OR, i said goodbye to my kids and walked straight back there walked in and waved hello to everyone inside! laid my butt down, the anesth guy said here we go and then I was awake in recovery. GOD IS SO GOOD, if you don't know it, you should find out! I woke up in recovery again no anxiety, no crying. I was relieved it was over. and it only took exactly 2 hours, actually a little less. anyway i just wanted to mention this because I am a worrier, i need everything written and drawn out for me before I do anything, and I was preparing for anxiety, I thought this is gonna freak me out and I'm gonna pass out before they come near me. BUT God covered me, the love and support of everyone covered me and I didn't freak out. I surprised my own self. I haven't been on my pc since Tuesday, my posts have been through my blackberry but today I felt well enough to get on here and post something substantive to let anyone who is waiting to do this know what happened to me. Is it painful, duh! yes! even with drugs. scarey? sure it's major major surgery even if all you see are tiny little bandaids. all you want is to sleep and i can't even count how many nurses and shots i went through. the scariest part was the vomiting of the yucky stuff, scarey cause I thought oh Lord if this continues they have to go back in and check, I will be 1 of the few who has problems. NO! I refuse. i am gonna be okay, once the nurse checked the blood and told me it's old don't worry i said okay. good to go. of course when you are doing an exorcist all over yourself it's hard to believe that it's gonna be okay but what else can we do but have faith in the people who are caring for you. Let me tell you something else, for all the "bad press" Kaiser HMO gets, I got nothing but 100% care. from the moment I checked into admitting from the moment the guy put me in the car. they were nothing but caring and sweet to me.  I would suggest though that the perfume on the nurses be toned down, that was killing me!!!! I wish I could tell somebody that part. they'll probably send me a survey, I hope.  anyway. if you are waiting. keep pushing for yourself.  the past 4 days have been a learning curve, I have had it in my mind "what was I thinking" all this to lose weight?? for heavens sake. no way I am having PS, I don't care I won't put myself through it again unless the extra skin is a problem for my movement or sanity, or health. For now, I am done. I am sticking to my diet to the letter, walking my butt as much as I can but not gonna stress about anything. I will do what I am supposed to do, ask questions when I'm not sure and continue my journey as a loser the best way I have been taught. BTW for all my fretting I was 8 lbs under goal on surgery day. what a relief!! but I wasn't even worried about it cause I knew I was down enough.


Jun 21, 2008



07/15/08  229  -33
07/11/08 231  -31
07/05/08 231 -31
07/04/08 232 -30 
06/27/08 234 -28
06/20/08 234 -28
06/13/08 GOAL 236 -26
06/06/08 237 -25
04/18/08 241 -21
04/04/08 239 -23
03/21/08 240 -22
03/07/08 242 -20
02/29/08 241 -21
02/22/08 CLINIC 243 -19
02/15/08 242 -20
02/08/08 245 -17
02/01/08 249 -13
12/28/07 CLINIC 250 -12
11/29/07 SURGEON
254 -8
10/24/07 ORIENTATION 259 -3
08/09/07 262 START
12/30/05 245  
08/16/05 231  
01/12/05 242  
05/22/96 220  

JULY 14, 2008 - 9 DAYS TO GO

Jun 21, 2008

Well it's finally here, the week where I can say I am having surgery NEXT WEEK! It's been a long road but not especially hard.  I've been on no carb/low carb for the past two weeks and that hasn't been wonderful but it's been manageable especially since I know it's short term. So as of today I am at 230!!! I haven't seen that in ages.  and it's the first time I see it while I've been losing.  I am now down -32 since October when my PCP did the referral for me.  It took me this long because I wasn't working on it 100% as hard as I should have, I took my time losing the weight and really didn't put a rush on it until February when I joined Nutrisystem and then continued dieting after that.  This is my last week of work and I'm glad about that too.  This week I am having the Atkins shakes for breakfast, then protein at bread and then simple lunches and dinners. Lots of water and tea too so I can keep dropping  water :)  So all is well and here we go, countdown now.  Catch me on my blog 


Jun 21, 2008

butterfly_patriotic.jpgHAPPY 4TH!!! GREAT DAY I HAVE IT OFF.  The best thing is that I hit the -30 pounds lost today. WOOHOOOOOO.  the no carb/low carb worked, gave me a drop not a whole lot but great.  not doing much today just chilling at home, didn't sleep must.  I am gonna way myself again on Sunday, because I started the new diet on Saturday, so I'm gonna weigh after 1 full week.
Well going to update my blog. catch me there.
http://judywlsjourn ey.blogspot. com/


Jun 21, 2008




JUNE 25, 2008 - 28 DAYS TO GO

Jun 20, 2008

June 25, 2008 * Hello* ! well today hasn't started out that great. I've been having my headaches again for a few days and it's making it hard to function. Between the sinus headache and the arthritis in my neck, I'm an unhappy camper (see Tweety) I stayed home today and that pisses me off too because I don't like missing work and between the headaches and the stomach issues I've missed alot of work. I'm hoping this surgery helps with both those problems, hopefully getting some weight off my chest and belly will alleviate the pulling on my neck and help a little bit. I had pasta last night, I try not to eat carbs but it always seems so hard to do that, so I try to limit the carbs I eat but sometimes that doesn't work. That is part of the reason I need this surgery, the fact that I really can't eat alot of breads, pastas and rice without feeling very uncomfortable will surely help me control my portions. I am drinking my water, alot of water at least 3 (24oz.) bottles, which equals 72 oz a day, so that part of all this is going well. I'm also taking most of my vitamins, I still haven't bought the iron pills, so I have to pick those up on payday. I've started making lists of what I need to have to eat when I get home so I can buy it before I go to hospital. I plan on sticking to the rules 100%, the plan says specific foods for specific lengths of time and I'm gonna stick to it because I truly believe it will make my loss way faster. If I start adding stuff or eating the same stuff but just pureeing or chopping or whatever to get it down my throat that doesn't seem to make sense to me. If the doctor says just eat these things for this period of time I think it should be followed to the letter. A few of the girls on the boards, Lisa & Dee followed the rules to the "T" not waivering and they have done very well. I can't wait for this to be done.

I can honestly say that I am nervous, scared really. If I think to much I get tears in my eyes. I'm not scared about my new life because of this surgery, I'm scared of the surgery process. Going in and getting prepped and they make you wait so long, lying on the table waiting to go to the OR, I get anxiety just thinking about it and it's not cause it's surgery. I get anxiety even to have a procedure that requires IV, and putting me to sleep. I don't know why, maybe because I lose control for that space of time when I'm knocked out and I don't know what is happening, the possibility of not waking up, of something going wrong is extremely scary. It won't stop me, I know this is the right thing especially because everything has gone so well, the program and the steps have gone through so smoothly that I truly believe that God is making this happen for me. So I know I will stay in prayer, I will pray up a storm before the bed gets wheeled into the OR. I will pray for the doctors hands and the anesthesiologist to be a God fearing man and know that he has my life in his hands. When the surgery is over and I open my eyes I will say thank you God and pray that every person the hospital team touches is blessed like me. I know this is going to be hard and I'm ready, I am blessed with a family that is supportive, with a great group of girlfriends who understand what I'm going through and I haven't met most of the women, it's just a bond we have because of our path. I have great co-workers who are also supportive and concerned. So I know I am blessed, I know that this is what is the right thing to do and when I am on the "other" side losing my weight and feeling better and being able to do so much more in life I will again Thank God and say I am blessed and so grateful for my life! I know I ramble, this blog may not be a good thing for me because I think alot and I've always been the kind of person to keep on writing until my hand cramps or the ink runs out, unfortunately with computers my hand is fine and there is no ink and paper to run out LOL. I know lots of folks won't get into reading all this cause it can be too much but I hope if anyone does read this as often as they wish that they take something positive from it, that they feel touched and are given a new hope. That is all I can ask.


Jun 16, 2008

234 Today!!! -28 lbs

June 20, 2008

I lost 2 lbs this week!!! I've been stuck for weeks up a couple past goal then back to goal and up again My goodness! I wanted so bad to go under because the clinic scale scares me! But Debby my buddy told me that the scale outside the operating room matches her home scale so that is my prayer for today! I'm going to keep losing weight as much as I can in 5 weeks and pray that the stupid scale at clinic for pre-op check in and surgery day is correct.
I am so so proud of myself today, I feel like I haven't even lost the other 26 lbs., the 2 lbs made me so happy. I was stuck up and down up and down but no lower than 236 so I was bummed but I keep on trucking.  This journey is hard and long but I just have to look at the end prize.  even though I am starting to get a little nervous.  I am so glad Melina decided not to go on her trip to camp because I couldn't go to hospital without her there, I know I get anxiety when I'm facing a procedure I can't imagine how I am going to feel facing surgery.  I hope my boys go too. but I'll understand if they don't they are not saying much about the surgery so I know they aren't in to it. Margie at work keeps telling me if I'm sure, that if I've lost before and I'm doing so good why can't I just keep doing it naturally.  I told her no matter what you say I've made my decision. I have to do this. no choice.  Work is good very quiet, I miss Maria but she won't be back until next week.
so back to the grind.
