Week 3...

Sep 30, 2009

My blog post titles are getting pretty lame. Oh well... I can't think of anything some days. God, writing my food intake down is almost addicting.

Anyhow, here's the list:

B: scrambled eggs with cheese & 1/2 slice of toast = 155 / 14.5

S: iced coffee with sweetener & milk = 150 / 4
1/2 chocolate biscotti = 55 / 1

L: 5 saltines = 60 /
peanut butter kashi bar = 140 / 7

D: hamburger w/ 2/3 slice of bread = 175 / 14.5
salad w/ feta cheese = 100 / 2.5
fruit juice seltzer = 75 / 0

totals = 910 / 45
vitamins = yes
water = yes (crystal light)
calcium =
vegetables = yes

ate junk for lunch instead  of a protein shake so low protein for today. ugh. better tomorrow.

tuesday... and the end of week two!

Sep 29, 2009

The list:

B: scrambled egg whites with 1/2 slice toast (jam & butter) = 135 / 12.5
coffee w/ cream & sugar = 32 / 0

L: meat marinara with bowtie pasta = 330 / 28

S: orange = 75 / 1
1/2 c cottage cheese = 100 / 15
10 pretezels = 55 / 1.5

D: chicken salad w/ feta, mushrooms, bean sprouts, salad dressing = 240 / 18
20 pretzels = 110 / 3
seltzer & juice = 75 / 0

totals: 1152 / 79
vitamins: yes


Sep 28, 2009

I think I may be... I totally felt empty today. Luckily my husband took a break and we got to have dinner together. And my house is still clean. There is an annoying fly that got past the lavender traps (UUURRRGGH) so eventually I will have to find it and kill it.

I have decided that I am going to get a tummy tuck. I wanted to get a boob job also, but after seeing what it really is, I decided that the only people who are going to see my low boobs don't really care that they hang low and wobby to and fro. Hehe. Anyhow.... even in a bikini I'd still have a "bra". Anyhow... it won't be until after my kids are older (potty trained & talking). Excited!

Well... I was supposed to go have breakfast this morning. Instead, I had coffee with cream. Not a bad trade. Here's the list:

B: Coffee w/ cream & sugar = 63 / 1
1 graham cracker = 70 / 1

S: iced coffee with cream = 90 / 0

L: protein shake = 225 / 33

S: orange = 62 / 0

D: subway sandwich = 660 / 44
juice & seltzer = 75 / 0

totals: 1245 / 79
vitamins: yes
calcium: yes
vegetables: yes
water: no

Cleaning Machine

Sep 27, 2009

... my house is getting the royal scrub down treatment tonight! Burning some extra calories since I haven't been able to go to the gym with my babies being sick and all. Instead, I took each of them on a 30 minute bicycle ride (that's an hour for me!). I think they both really enjoyed the peace, quiet, and fresh air. It was nice. Especially since their nap schedules were off and I had almost NO break to myself today.

I did get 20 minutes to go to the mall and pick up a new nose ring. I lost my original stud in the shower. I should have just gone back to my piercer, but he was kind of "stern" so I felt uncomfortable doing so and I ended up with some crap piece of jewerly that my nose grew attached to. Anyhow, I read a bunch of articles and went out and got all new stuff. So hopefully, this bump that has started growing on my face will disappear and the infection will go away. UGH.

NOT going the gym has caused me to eat more... I don't know why. Maybe it's the two extra hours spent at the house. Anyhow... here's the list:

B: short nonfat mocha = 110 / 7
1/2 orange = 30 / 0

L: 1/2 c cottage cheese & grapes = 155 / 15.5
1 oz turkey jerky = 80 / 10
protein shake = 200  / 30

S: fruit snacks = 100 / 0
short nonfat mocha = 110 / 7
1/2 biscotti = 75 / .5

D: meat marinara with 3/4 c bowtie pasta = 330 / 28

totals = 1190 /  98
vitamins = yes
water = working on it
calcium = not yet...
vegetables = hmmm....

pretty big afternoon snack. Hmm... I'm going to attribute that to my dear son taking a bottle of $9 lavender oil that I just bought and had used ONE DROP of and throwing it on the bathroom tile because I wouldn't let him have it, causing it to shatter all over the FRESHLY MOPPED bathroom floor. Our house REEKS of lavender and I have to go buy some more, BUT the good news is that lavender is a fly repellant (I did not know this) and so our house & back door is fly free - AWESOME - and the boys could play outside while I made dinner and we could cool our house down. So nine bucks, a lot of stress, 190 extra calories.. but no flies and a happy outside baby. Not a bad trade.

Anyhow... back to cleaning. Ciao Belli!


Day off...

Sep 26, 2009

From counting calories. I started out ok... got hungry and did NOT  eat pizza, but i did have a lot of turkey jerkey, 3 graham crackers, and a coffee with cream & syrup sweetener. Anyhow... no couting today, but just a list. Tomorrow I'm back on track.. hopefully my kids are better so i can exercise.

- protein shake
- dry toast
- orange
- 3 graham crackers
- a lot of turkey jerkey
- grande iced coffee sweetened w/ cream
- salad with mushrooms, bean sprouts, katamala olives, feta cheese, & low fat balsamic
- dried cranberries

- 9 glasses of crystal light
- vitamins & calcium

anyhoo... good night!

Just got paid... it's friday night!

Sep 25, 2009

And tomorrow I get weighed in. I woke up starving this morning. UBER hungry. But I have no food in my house. Got to go to the store.

Anyhow... here's the list for today:

B: 1.5 oz blueberry muffin = 166.5 / 2
coffee with milk & cinamon syrup = 50 / 2

S: 1/2 peanut butter protein bar = 70 / 3.5

L: salad with chicken, feta, & balsamic vinegar  = 200 / 18

S: 3/4 cup red grapes = 82.5 / 1

D: 1 cup cottage cheese = 180 / 26
2 bags of fruit snacks = 200 / 0
2 slices of bread, 1/2 oz feta cheese, & 1 oz of chicken = 205 / 13

was "starving" all day. a protein shake for breakfast & more water would have cured that. Anyhow... totals (drumroll please)

total: 1154 / 65.5

ugh... damned fruit snacks... they weren't even good. oh well. i get weighed tomorrow. protein shakes for breakfast from now on (at least prepared in the morning so i can drink it for lunch).

- ciao belli ... crossword puzzle time


Sep 24, 2009

Another day, another food blog. I should really keep more than one to a page, but I guess I'm not wasting paper or anything, right. haha.

It's good to blog anyway, because if I'm not blogging -- i'm eating .. poorly.

Anyhow, here's the list:

B: scrambled egg whites + 1/2 slice of toast = 71 / 6 (only ate half)
coffee with milk & sugar = 55 / 2

L: protein shake = 225 / 33

S: 2 tbs dried cranberries = 36 / 0

D: BBQ chicken with jack cheese on slice of bread = 368 / 43
short no whip lofat mocha = 130 / 6

totals: 885 / 90

wow -- 90 g of protein??? Go canned chicken. The BBQ chicken was pretty easy. I took about a can and a half of chicken, added BBQ sauce (no HFCS) and let marinate overnight with some pepper. Then I just heated it up on the stove and then put it on a piece of bread with some cheese. I could have only used a 1/2 oz of cheese -- but calorie-wise, I'm not hurting today. I knew that, which is why I went for the low-fat mocha instead of the non-fat. F-ing awesome. No vegetables today :( Maybe I will eat a carrot in a bit. That would be good. Got to keep the protein drinks in every day. I like having them for lunch. They really tie me over to dinner.

I don't know if I should weigh in tomorrow, on my regular day of Saturday, or on Monday when my sister is off. Maybe I will just go tomorrow before yoga.

Okay, time for bed. Friday awaits.

Week 2....

Sep 23, 2009

...and I cannot WAIT to get weighed this Friday! I think I will be around 160lbs. Wouldn't that be so bad ass??

Well I "broke" my diet and had a slice of pizza tonight. But I only had the crust, the toppings, and half the bottom part, plus a 1/2 piece of garlic bread. I did my calculations and I'm still pretty good! Not that pizza is going to be a staple. Oh nooo! But I couldn't eat any more canned chicken lol.

the list today!

B: protein shake = 225 / 33
short nonfat, no whip mocha = 110 / 7

L: chicken salad with feta cheese & lofat dressing = 240 / 18

S: 3/4 orange & 3 prunes = 75 / 0

D: 1 slice of mushroom & pepperoni pizza = 330 / 15

totals: 980 / 73

Tuesday.. and the end of week one!

Sep 22, 2009

So today is the last day of my first week of following my Dr's orders of "One protein shake, lunch, & dinner" sometimes I go off. Sometimes I don't get all my water.. but I think I'm doing pretty well.

Anyhow... it may be getting easier to put the boys to sleep for their naps. MAYBE! HOPEFULLY!

Here's the list....

B: oatmeal with 1/2 tbs sugar & 1 tbs raisins = 150 / 6
 coffee with milk & sugar = 55 / 2

L: salad with vegetables & salad dressing = 95 / 0

S: 1/2 c cottage cheese w/ 1/2 c pineapple = 137 / 15

D: bowtie pasta w/ pork meat balls and red sauce = 336 / 30 + 40 / 2 + 90 / 2 = 466 / 34
seltzer w/ juice = 75 / 0

totals: 978 / 57

no protein drink so low levels of protein. also low levels of water. taking calcium now. vitamins good!
bring it on week two!!


Puffiness begone!

Sep 21, 2009

I am feeling better... not deprived. I realize how much crap and garbage I was eating. Normal people don't eat cady bars just every day. Normal people don't eat a whole sleeve of crackers of graham crackers while watching a movie, then get up to eat a whole bag of popcorn. Blah!

Well it's past my bedtime so here's the list:

B: protein shake - 225 / 33
coffee w/ milk & sugar = 55 / 2

L: 1/2 c cottage cheese & 1/2 c red grapes = 155 / 15.5

S: 2.5 oz nectarine = 31 / 1

D: teriaki chicken with vegetable fried rice = 235 / 14

S: 5/8 of a granola bar = 88 / 4
1/2 c cherry tomatoes = 13 / 0
short non-fat, no whip mocha = 110 / 7

totals: 912 / 76.5

not bad. i got all my vitamins & calcium in today, plus 10 glasses of water. whew. should eat more just  a bit more protein. anyhow... time for bed!


About Me
San Diego, CA
Surgery Date
Aug 12, 2005
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