Day 14 Post Op

Oct 04, 2009

I got a couple of walks in today. But I was tired on the second one.  My stomach also reacted better to my food today. But I will try to increase my protein  and hydration by adding more skim milk to my diet. 

1 bowel movement today. But that's every day in a row for five days. Yay.


Day 13 post op.

Oct 03, 2009

Tonight I dined on turkey, gravy and green beans.  Not bad less than two weeks out?  OK.. it was baby food. They're not the worst things I've eaten since starting this journey in April.  It took me about 40 mins to finish off the two containers and I had no ill effects.  I wanted to start moving into the puree phase of this diet. I'll try some puree recipes this week.

Here's today's menu.

2- 8 oz containers Muscle Milk Light
2 - 5.3 oz containers Organic plain Greek yogurt
1 -12 oz bottle G2 Low Carb Gatorade
1 - 2.5 oz jar Gerber 2nd foods Turkey & Gravy
10 3.5 oz container Gerber 2nd foods Green Beans

Total cals 510
Protein  68 g
Carbs 39g
Fat 10.5 g

I had 2 bowel movements today

We took a ride on a historic train through a national park today.. then we took a 40 minute walk tonight.

I feel more alert.. but know I can feel better.

Day 12 Post op

Oct 02, 2009

I felt good today. More serene and clear headed. I shopped at three stores.. saw a movie and resumed driving my car. I still am eating and drinking too fast. Or I may be ingesting amounts that are too large. When I finish eating, I feel bloated and some abdominal distress. If I lay down and take a nap for fifteen minutes.. the pressure alleviates and then I feel pretty good.

Here's today's menu.

Tropical protein shake 205 g

200 oz of Low fat Cream of Mushroom Soup (strained)

Muscle Milk Light 8oz (I drank this in halves.. 4 oz before the movie. and 4 oz later)

12 oz Low Cal G2 Gatorade

Tropical protein shake 205 g but with water added.

5.3 oz Organic Greek Yogurt (Plain)

71 g protein  -- 681 Calories

I also had 2 bowel movements This
is the third day in a row.

I added some no sugar added flavoring the the shake It wasn't bad.


Day 11 post op

Oct 01, 2009

I felt a little better today.  Both daily walks were longer in time and distance than previous ones. However, I am still waiting for a return of all my energy. 

Here's what I ate.

Strained low fat mushroom soup
2 Tropical Protein  Shakes (Cleveland Clinic recipe)
1 Muscle Milk Light
12 oz G2 Gatorade
Sugar Free Jello
2 containers Organic Greek yogurt

722 Calories
8 g fat
78 g carbs
86 g protein

Also had another bowel movement. That's two days in a row. Three this week.


Reflecting on pain

Oct 01, 2009

Earlier I recounted some of the "discomfort" I experienced after my Lap RNY.  I must say that it wasn't what I expected. I expected to have pain around my incisions.  But the only aching was in my abdomen from bloating and gasses.  I found that the "pain pump" and oral pain killer did little to alleviate that.  I guess I want to say that it's pretty amazing that Doc Schauer sliced me up and gee.. .. I hardly noticed.


Day 10 after RNY

Sep 30, 2009

My morning walk was a real chore. Not because of the cold, the wind and rain... but I still lacked energy. So today, I decided to try a new food and add some protein.
Here's what I ate:

G2 Gatorade
2 - Peanut Butter shakes
2 - 6 oz Greek organic plain yogurts
8oz Muscle Milk Light
1 serving low fat cream of mushroom soup (strained)

80 grams of protein.   742 Calories
Supplements of course too.

My afternoon walk was easier. I was more alert and had a bit more energy.

I also had not one... not two.. but three bowel movements today!  My last one was two days ago on Monday. That's a much better rate than before RNY. I would love it if I could stay this regular in the long run.

1 comment

Day 9 after RNY

Sep 29, 2009

Okay.. I admit it. You guys are right. Things are slowly getting better. I had no trouble eating my protein and supplements today.. but have to get back to making sure I keep hydrated.  I still need a few more ounces to make the minimum before morning. 

I ate the following:
6 oz Organic nonfat unflavored yogurt.
A couple of servings of a  tasty peanut butter-banana shakes. (Recipe from my diet handbook from the Cleveland Clinic)
8 oz of Muscle Milk Lite Protein Drink
8 oz low sodium organic chicken broth.
12 oz G2 Low Cal Gatorade

Here's how all of that breaks down:
62.5 grams protein
25.5 grams carbs
13 grams fat
612 Calories

I also took a couple of 20 minute walks. In the rain, by the way.

Although I still experience gas an bloating, it isn't as bad as it was a few days ago. But I woke up very tired again. I took a fellow members advice and drank the first protein shake as soon as I was awake. I can hardly wait until I can regain the energy I used to have on my walks

One week Post Op Checkup.

Sep 28, 2009

I haven't written since just after my surgery because frankly.. I began to wonder if my decision for RNY was a mistake. But I decided to wait for one week post op to see if I began to feel better. I would feel guilty of a crime if words I could not take back would discourage someone from this medical procedure that may be someones sole remaining lifeline. 

First off all, I thank all of you who have kept me in their thoughts and prayers. I am sure it has helped in my recovery. I know that information posted here has really helped my prepare for my new life.

Now let me recount some of the days following my RNY on 9/21.

I woke up that night feeling groggy, but well enough to walk the halls of the Cleveland Clinic. I even placed an entry on this web site reporting that I was doing OK.

I walked the halls again. Of course there was the usual awakenings very frequently, so it wasn't very restful. I was hooked up to the "pain pump" And probably only used it about 8 or nine times. I can't really say I was ever in pain per se. But as the days wore on I felt bloated and full of gas. i only ate part of the tasteless sugar free jello offered to me.

Very early in the morning, the nurse asked me if I had urinated. I said not since yesterday. She became concerned about my hydration and wanted to shove a Foley (catheter) up into me. I fought her, but reluctantly gave in. I was,  having trouble swallowing any water because of the pressure and bloating. Note that Doctor Schauer also repaired a hernia while he was doing the RNY. So I am not sure if that is a factor in the abdominal distress.  By now I was drinking liquid Percocet. But It really wasn't helping alleviate that distress. All it did was make me tired and want to sleep all day and not walk four times a day as I was supposed to. I was beginning to experience flatulence.. but no solid stools.

I was released that morning after meeting with the other surgeons.  The hour and a half ride home was bumpy. I burped a lot more to ease the pressure. I didn't feel hungry at all because the pressure, but forced down protein shakes, and a Popsicle and water. 

Even though I didn't take any of the Oxycodone pain killer, I stayed in bed for 12 hours that night. Waking up occasionally to empty the container from my drainage tube. By the way... I would lean on the entry point of the drainage tube.. So I needed my dressings changed frequently and had to sleep on material to protect my bedding from the seepage. I may have only taken two short 5 or ten minute walks instead of the 4 recommended by my doctor.

I still had difficulty finding eating worthwhile. My only goal was to drink 2 liters of water  per day and eat 60 grams of protein.  It was very hard to accomplish. I counted my water used to make the protein drink as part of those two required liters. My instructions were to seek medical attention if I could not accomplish the nutrition and hydration demands.  I was beginning to wonder if something was wrong with my surgery. I managed to eat the protein but It was an all day affair.  I had to devote all my waking attention to eating and drinking, in spite of the pressure in my abdomen.  What helped me was the fact that my doctor said that I had 24 hours to drink the two liters. So when I woke up thirsty at night. I would sip some water.

I was feeling a little bit better. So I added some Organic Cream of Tomato Bisque soup to my menu. I tested a teaspoon. then another, then another.. Five minutes later my abdomen began to ache. The only relief was to fall asleep. I guess that soup did not qualify as a "strained cream soup" allowed on phase two of my diet. But my wife and I walked three times that day, and on the last walk, we made it all around the block.

Back at the Cleveland Clinic, my drainage tube was removed and Doctor Derrick Cetin found my progress satisfactory. My wife and I stopped at Trader Joe's and picked up some more soups and Greek non fat plain yogurt.  We also walked around the local county fair grounds. I had to stop twice to rest. It was very tiring. I drank three protein shakes. I also ate 6 oz of the Yogurt and it went down without causing distress. So I later drank 8 oz of low sodium organic chicken broth without repercussions.  Although having the drainage tube was a gratifying event. I have to say that the high point of the day was my first real, solid bowel movement since drinking the preop liquid two days before surgery. What a relief.

By the way. I gained six pounds in the week since surgery. But because of a post I read on this site previously, I didn't panic. The doc says it was probably from all the I.V's that had been hooked up to me.

Sip, sip, sip.  I only thought I knew what sipping was. Now I know.
Walk, Walk, Walk, Yes. I believe it helps get rid of gas that makes eating and drinking difficult.
Patience, Patience, Patience. Perhaps the toughest lesson. But I find that it is key in my recovery.

This writing only reflects my experience. Everyone's individual situation may differ. If you talk to the various ranks of medical professionals, you'll find that even their advice may vary. I suggest you get the final word from your doctor if you can.

Finally, I want to thank the ongoing assistance and advice from the staff and surgeons of the Cleveland Clinic. They appear to love their jobs and really want my surgery to have a successful outcome.


Day of surgery.

Sep 20, 2009

I've got to run out the door. Last weigh in - 223 lbs -. Off I go.
Should be in surgery by ten.. awake by 4PM?

Pre op diet: Day 14: Eve of RNY Surgery

Sep 19, 2009

I weighed myself this morning (9/20) because things may be hectic tomorrow morning as I get ready for the hour and a half drive to Cleveland Clinic for my RNY surgery.

The scale read 323 lbs.  My surgeon Dr. Philip Schauer told me he'd like me to weigh 325 on the day of the operation. Should I try to put on a couple more pounds by tomorrow? Just kidding of course.

For those of you keeping score, I lost 14 pounds on the two week pre-op liquid protein diet.

What a year it has been.
On November 3, 2008, one day after my last birthday, I weighed 455 lbs.
On April 6, 2009, when I committed to seeking WLS,    I weighed 440 lbs.
Today, Sept. 20, 2009, the day before weight loss surgery, I weigh 323 lbs.
Since my last birthday, I have lost 132 lbs. in less than 11 months.
Since early April, I have lost 117 lbs in less than six months.
That's a loss of 19 pounds a month.

At one time, my size 72 inch waist pants were becoming tight.  On the day before surgery, my waist is 52 inches.

But I've lost weight before and put the lost pounds back on, and more. That's why I need the added tool of my RNY surgery.

I feel really normal today considering I ate fewer than 300 calories yesterday. I am sipping water frequently. It's another day ahead of  clear liquids like broth, G2 Gatorade, Crystal Light and Sugar Free Jello. Today was a total of 270 calories.

My wife and I went to see the film classic Casablanca tonight at a revival theater. I always wanted to see that movie (one of my favorites) in an actual theater. It was very nice.

OK. I'm going to pack up my stuff to leave around 6AM for my RNY.  Wish me luck and say a prayer.

