So that's what a hypoglycemic fit feels like!?

Apr 23, 2011

Yesterday I went for a little walk to get a sandwich from Subway and I started having a hypoglycemic fit. I got really dizzy, sweaty and just plain yucky. So I went to pay for my food and saw cookies. So I got 2 peanut butter and 1 oatmeal raisin and sat down. By this time I feel like I'm ready to pass out and my hands were shaking really bad. I stuffed the cookies in my mouth and it took me a while to calm down. It came on pretty fast and it scared me. I was walking by myself and didn't have my cell phone on me. I never leave my house without my cell. SO I walked back slowly from Subway and when I got home I felt so awful. This attack was something far worse than I have ever experienced. I remember almost passing out in Walmart, but this time it was different. I guess now that I don't have the headache and facial pain I'm now able to feel the full effects of a hypoglycemic episode. Today I felt a little like I did yesterday, drained and now my tummy hurts. It feels like I can't fit anything into my pouch, but I am soooo hungry. I'm kinda glad I was able to feel what one felt like, but upset that I let it happen. I went all afternoon without eating and now I just feel like caca! I just thank God I don't have a headache.

But on a very good note....I went into a storecalled Rainbow and was able to purchase a medium size top! It fits great and I didn't have to shop on the 'big girl's' side of the store. There were no  'Xs' on any of the items I bought. I did find bras for $5 and they helped make me look like I have boobs again! My husband liked the way they looked and that I was smiling again. So even though I had an 'episode' I discovered all the great things that are ahead of shopping! I hope everyone has a great Easter!


Revelations through tears....

Apr 21, 2011

I had a good cry last night and took the opportunity to take a good look at myself...physically! Parts of me look like a shapei, but not too bad. Atleast a puppy shapei! lol! Id have to agree with my husband...My body hasn't finished changing and the 1st year is gonna be hard. It's all about adjustments. So don't get me wrong...I still want my inserts, but I need to little by little get back into exercising. Now that I am getting rid of this infection I can start making a plan and get going on my Jillian Michaels' goal. I think I can turn this around...I need to be vigilant and keep focused if I want to reach my goals and make my dreams come true. My goals are within my reach now...I don't have to lose that rediculous 100 lbs again. I have to start moving forward and take everyone's advice and just enjoy life now. I have a diagnosis on the headaches...I seem to have my hypoglycemia under control and I'm starting to feel alot better than before. I need to cast my fears aside and for those who are negative or don't like my weight loss they can 'STUFF IT!'  lol! Today is a new day! I'm gonna embrace it and take time for myself. I think I deserve it!


Apr 20, 2011

Thanks to all you girls for having my back! I was moved to tears. I could feel your hugs and your kind words helped sooth my heart. Geez, I needed all of this. I feel like I'm starting to cleanse myself of all the heaviness and negative feelings. I have been mentally, emotionally and spiritually drained. I think after all my blogging and venting I feel like a good cry is on the way today and then I can heal from the inside out. I can feel my daddy around me and I know he wants me to be happy. I heard the song he used to make fun of me with. It pop up on my Zune and I was in tears. "La La Means I love You". He said that's the way I was when I was in love I'd cover my ears and just be "La la la" and be so blinded by love. I could feel him all around me. I must be feeling really bad...he doesn't come around as much as before and today he made it a point to make me pay attenetion. To notice he was here and I needed to 'see' something. It may sound strange, but I know I need this cry. He was the only one besides my pets to sit and just listen to me or just hold me and let me cry on his shoulder. Most of the time I didn't even have to say a word. To feel his arms around me and tell me it will be ok meant the world to me. He wasn't my bilogical father, but I was his daughter and he was my dad.

As I type this a flood of tears have just busted out and it's a weeping cry. It's a good cry. It's not a cry of anger because of a fight or that my feeling are's just a huge release. When I would have these cries before I never understood why. I would get upset with myslef because I felt like I had everything I could ever want in my life...a husband, kids, a new home and I had love....why was I so sad...was I being ungrateful? Was I just not satisfied?...Was I just stupid? ... NO! My soul just needs to be cleansed. And sometimes a night of crying makes the dawn clearer. What comes into my mind is that scene from the "Color Purple" when Sug Avery goes to see he dad at the church and is singing "The Lord is Trying to Tell You Something." I cry everytime I see that part. The Lord IS trying to tell ME something. I just need to pay attention...I need to cry, I need to find myself. I lost myself in 'LIFE' and in everyone else and lost myself within myself. I was literally wrapped in so much pain I was just happy to survive the day or night without thinking I would OD on these pain meds or eat a hole in my pouch. There is a reason for evrything..what it is..I still don't know, but I'll never forget this bumpy journey. Im in no way a perfect wife, mother or daughter...I am human and I think if I keep that in mind I will be able ok. I think after this cry I will be back on track...probably with a small headache but I know I will be better. I'll keep you guys updated. Thank you once again for all your love and support. I can't even express how full of love I feel from all of you! *MUAH* Good night friends!

This is my safe place...♥ it!

Apr 20, 2011

Thanks again for all your replies. You guys are so supportive and positive. This is what I need. I know men and women are wired differently, but OMG! I had to get this all out and a comment was made that I shouldn't aire certain things on the forum....Sorry but this is how I cope...I blog. This is my safe place and I know I am not alone here. Many go through divorce, abuse and have trouble in concieving. If you read some of those stories the fight over my boobs is nothing. I will get my inserts and save up for my boob job. It's nice to know Dr. Rey's prices are reasonable! Thanks for the information you guys!  Once I finish school and get my certificate I will be able to contribute to alot and still make myself happy. And yes, He heard $$$ and not what I said. My husband did apologize, but we aren't gonna talk about my boobs for a long while. The fustration of all my health problems has gotten to me. I have been dealing with so much pain that I haven't had a chance to deal with anythng else. Now that the dust is settling it just seems like I'm playing catch up with my emotions and issues. I'm missing my Jordan so much. My poor kitty. He was always the first to come and lick my face and make mama feel better. I'm now starting to deal with those emotions as well. I cried when he passed, but now I find myself looking for him. I know his ashes are on my mantel, but I can't help but catch a glimps of him out of the corner of my eye sometimes. 

I'm so glad to know that others go through the same and can talk me down and see the bigger picture and give me advice. I appreciate it more than you know. This is the way I can regain my sanity and hear words of kindness, acceptance and wisdom helps me so much. So thank you to all of you! [BIG HUGS] to you all!

A fight over MY boobs...really!?

Apr 19, 2011

I never thought this would happen. My husband and I had a huge fight for almost 2 days about my boobs. Yes, my boobs! I asked his opinion about the inserts for my bra. He said it was a loaded question and that he couldn't answer it without me getting mad! OMG! I've never asked him "Babe, does my butt look big in these jeans?" NEVER! I knew the answer, so why ask. I didn't even like my butt in those jeans!  But this time I wanted to hear it from him. "What do you think about me getting boob inserts?" I get an attitude sounding "Why? Who do you need to impress?" Geez! If men had PMS this is what it would look like! I told him very calmly what I was feeling and experiencing because I trust my husband and he has been supportive of my surgery. Never once did I feel like I couldn't talk to him about any of this kind of stuff. I heard insecurity in his voice and worry..worry that I have lost too much too quick and that my body is still changing why do I want to go out and make a purchase like that! Well, cuz I feel like crap and tired of hearing "when are you gonna put some meat on your bones?" (from my father-in-law) Or the playful smack on the butt from my husband, followed by " Dang, you're butt bone hurt my hand!" It never bothered me before, but to sit and tell me I'm boney upsets me now. So now I have thin, stringy SHORT hair, no boobs, a little butt and NOW I"M TOO boney. So you see why this lasted 2 days!?
Well, I made a decision NOT to talk to him about my boobs or my butt or my hair and just deal with it on here. To him he heard that I was unhappy with my decision to have RNY and that I'm regretting it....TOTALLY WRONG! He tells me that I make poor decisions and never follow through...So let's see...I was going to school to become a Nurse and due to cut backs I couldn't get into a Nursing program  right away...then they close the waiting list FOR the waiting list. I stayed a CNA and got injured on the job. So I was on workman's comp for a while. I then found out I was pregnant while on worker's comp and then no doctor would touch me. After I had that child 3-4 months later I find out that I'm pregnant again! So no working for me cuz I haven't rehabilitated myself. Then here we go:

After the birth of our 1st son (my  2nd) I had a temp of 105 and went to the ER. I had:
1. Double mastitis (double boob infection)
2. Vaginitis ( from when I teared during the delivery.)
3. UTI (from the catheter (I had an epidural)

I stayed in bed for a week at home resting and caring for my infant son. (Dec 2007)

During my 3rd pregnancy I went in to L and D becasue I thought I was having the baby early and it turned out to be a kidney stone that I passed while I was being worked up. That was Oct 2008

Had Chris Nov 2008

Feb 2009 went to the ER with bad stomach pains, throwing up, chest pains and a fever. Ended up needing an emergency gallbladder surgery. Stayed in the hospital for 2-3 days.

April 2009 went to Urgent care cuz my hubby didn't want another ER bill. I hated going anywhere else cuz some of these places don't sit well with me. But to avoid an argument I go. He drops me off and then goes home to get the boys who the teenager is watching. Before I get off the car my hubby tells me "make sure if something happens, don't let them take you in the ambulance...I'll come get you." I thought it was wierd and laughed it off. I was fighting a real bad cold and had been having headaches everyday for 3 weeks and had a temp of 104. Something wasn't right. I get called in and they take my vitals and come back in to retake my BP standing up...? So I stand up and next thing you know I'm on top of this tiny Medical assistant ( I was already 260 lbs!) I then wake up with IVs in my arm. I hear a nurse fighting with my hubby on the phone and says that an ambulance is on it's way to take me to the hospital and that I'm not responding and very confused. I get to a hospital I don't like and spend a week from hell there. I was almost given medication that I was allergic to, but my hubby stopped them and had it out with the nurse. I was then on Morphine and a high dose at that. I don't know what happened the 1st 3 days there. Turns out I had pneumonia and a sever sinus infection. The rest of the stay was still hell and took forever to get home. I was traumatized by their care. I held that against my hubby for a long time. I blamed him. If I went to the ER at the hospital I liked maybe things would've been different.

We then house hunt and move from Modesto to Merced in July 2009.

Feb 2010: abdominal pain...numerous trips to the ER with no finding and have a colonoscopy and had 2 pulops removed. No cancer, thank God!

Had RNY June 2010

Emergency surgery for ovarian Cyst removal. I had pain for a very long time and couldn't function.

Then this damn mystery headaches Just discovered that it was a bad infection in my tooth and that I am Hypoglycemic!

So now let's take a look.... All of the above has happened...why haven't I finished school or followwed through on anything? Hmmmmm! It's a miracle I'm even still alive....I don't complete things!!! BULLSHIT!!!!! Excuse me, but that was the most rediculous thing I heard come out of my husband's mouth...really!? I tried Kaplan online classes and ended up with a $5,000 bill for school after only 2 semeters! Yeah, that wasn't a great move on my part...not know all the details about what was covered and not, but I did have a 4.0 GPA.

SO....a pair of slicone inserts makes me 'show my true colors'? WTF was that? I'm happy with my surgery, I'm starting to get better and just want my freakin' chest to look like I still have boobs! I wanted to resenmble a woman again! I wasn't asking for plastic surgery or ask for him to get a 2nd job so I can get boobs! Me being unhappy about my boobs right now has nothing to do with him. I know he still loves me and my body and that I look different, but why do we have to fight 2 days about my boobs? I want them and when I can, I will buy them FOR ME!!!!! I have never asked him a question and then got pissed because of his answer...I always take it into cinsideration and think what I will do next.

And just because I am a housewife it doesn't mean that I don't need a break for an hour or 2....Take the kids to the park and let me have some peace a quiet! I still have to clean this house and need to be alone so I can can get things done with NO INTERRUPTIONS....Help out homeboy!  By no means that means I don't want to spend time with my family. Nooooo, it was interpretted that because I got a  diaper bag and snacks ready for him I was telling him that he didn't know how to be a father and the fact  that I sent the teenager with him to help him with 2 small boys at a park,  it was as if I said he was incompetant and couldn't hang! Well, next time he's on his own...if they poop and have no spare clothes good luck on getting them in their carseat without getting shit all over the place. And when they are grumpy and hungry and have no snacks or juice on hand don't yell at them!

Geez I needed to vent more than I thought! So all of this happened because of my non existant boobs! God help me!

Boobs Part 2...

Apr 16, 2011

Wow thanks to everyone who left me a reply to my post! I'm just so glad that I got alot of good advice and hugs! I thought about the 'Chicken cutlets" or bra inserts. Those would be great for now. I just feel so 'deflatted'! lol! I hope they aren't too expensive. The other thing I have to complain about is that...well....Now I can fit into a thong and these legs are not so sexy! But hey a size 6 pair of regular bikini chonies is great! I can hide it all under the clothes and being in the dark with my hubby! lol!  I'd love to just feel like a regular woman. I have noticed a bit of a difference in my is a bit thicker. I guess just taking inventory of everything was just too overwhelming for me all in one day! lol! Talk about trippin'! Now I got to get to Victoria's Secret and make her secret mine! Round 2 of the antibiotics has started and I'm feeling a little sick. I had a little temperature today of 100.6. I'm a bit tired, but I'll survive. I am so glad to have made so many friend here! The support is amazing. I will keep you all updated. So noe here we go...hopefully I can get the inserts and show some before and after pictures up for you guys! lol!

Boobs..what Boobs!?

Apr 15, 2011

I've heard alot of women talk about losing their boobs after the WLS. But OMG! Where the hell did mine go!? Geez! I used to have 40 DD's and now I have something that looks like a pair of old tube socks that dangle on my chest! That is the one think I do miss. I nice tight top and the girls ready to meet EVERYONE. Now what do I do? Besides plastic surgery what do I do to get some volume back in my chest? My hair is so short and thin...I want clip on extensions! I saw this guy from Beverly Hills Fabulous on The Talk and he made it look so easy and very nice. I don't care if I'm all fake now...I just don't want to look like an old 80 or 90 year old and I'm barley going to be 34. I don't think I was ever this vain, but I do miss certain things about having long flowing hair and my boobs and bangin' booty. I guess its good that I'm already! I know that this is what I signed up for nad don't regret having RNY, but it's just sad to me today that I tried on and exercise top (smaller one-yay!) but couldn't find my boobs...I knoe the purpose of an exercise bra is to strap them down and not push them up, but dang!!!! THEY WERE GONE! I now have the shape of a 12 year old tonight will be a beauty night for me....I'm doing my own mani, pedi, plucking my eyebrows ( I do all the time, but more detail) and figure out what to do about my non existing chest. Time to check out Dr. Rey's (Dr. 90210) prices! lol! and start saving up. I knew there would be a time that I might need some boobies, but that was only because I didn't ever want to say "I'd never" get it done. They don't have to be huge, but I want to look nice. Does anyone have any suggestions? What works for all you girls? I'm very curious to see what y'all are doing.

Getting better and so thankful for all my friends & family! &#9

Apr 13, 2011

I went to specialist for my tooth and he says that it's not a complete emergency. I have time to get it done. I'm not in danger of losing the tooth and it is not a candidate to be puled. AMEN! He was a sweet and funny doc, but I got upset when he said the headaches weren't because of the infection...he said that it was my sinuses and so to prevent myself from arguing with him I agreed and left a little pissed off. I finally figure this out and this man just peed all over my parade! WTF!  I know what it feels like and see a HUGE difference since I have been taking the amoxicillin. I have had an actual, NORMAL headache and it was such a relief! No facial pain! For once! WOW! He did agree that the infection was pretty bad and that my body has been fighting it for a while. Most of the time my body could fight it and that I would never have known it. But since my RNY my defences have been down. I had a bad sinus infection and then the ovarian cysts that required surgery and then that bad Topomax incident which sent me to the ER! So I keep my medic alert updated and very detailed. I'd hate for anyone to not know any important details. I have to do it for my own safety and I feel very proud to be on top of my medical information. We hoped that we would find what was wrong and feared the worst...a tumor. I thank God that, that was NOT the case. My jaw is very sore and think that I may need another week of amoxicillin, but I would so rather be dopey for another week than give this infection a reason to stay around and give me more headaches. So I am still alive I am getting stronger day by day and I can't wait to get in a Jillian workout! I can't wait. I'm so happy to be here and getting better. AMEN! Thank you to everyone for all your prayers and constantly checking on me. My memory is improving. I'm still a little slow because of the anribiotic and the pain medicine, but I'm not in a complete 'fog'.
1 comment

It was my tooth!?

Apr 09, 2011

Ok, for those of you who have been following my progress and trying to help me figure out what is the source of my headaches. Well, I think we figured it accident. I had been dealing with some tooth pain for a few days and couldn't hang anymore. I figured a filling or two would be the solution. I hate the dentist and it had been atleast 8 years since I've been to one. I get some x-rays done. And the dental assistant calls the dentist in to take a look at what seems to be "something wierd" on the screen. We then proceed to take a few more x-rays from different angles. It turns out that the tooth I'm complaining about is next to an old crown that had a root canal done some years back. Well, the root canal didn't take. The roots starting growing back and started a deep infection in my jaw and tooth. So the pain I was feeling in my face every time I had a headache was because of this infection!!! OMG! I was given atibiotics to take along with some pain medication and got 2 fillings done that day. I now need to go to a specialist to see if they will re-treat the tooth or just pull it. I still can't believe it. So today after having the antibiotics for a few days I've had my 1st regular headache in over a year! My face doesn't hurt as much when it starts. And I can feel such a differnce! No wonder none of the other 3 doctors can figure out why the pain in my face was happening. So now I'm going in to get a bunch of work done that needs to be done. I may have gotten over my fear of dentists. This Doctor was so sweet and very gentle. I told him about my surgery for RNY, hypoglycemia and other medications that I have been taking and he took very careful considerations to what I can take for the infection. Once he came up with a possible medication he called my surgeon and asked if it was okay for me to have that medication. It was awesome! So yes, we FINALLY figured out the mystery to my headaches. Now it's time to get back on the road to recovery. I'm still in a bit of shock about how all this happened, but completely happy that I can put my finger on what has been wrong. I'm feeling a bit dopey because of the medication, but now I can sleep better. 

Update, worries and wonders...

Apr 06, 2011

So I found some benadryl and took it last night. Boy, did that knock me on my butt. I slept for about 8 hours, but it didn't feel like it. My husband is worried and says that I look like he needed to take me to the ER! He told me that the last time he saw me look this way I spent 4 days in the hospital. But I just needed more sleep. I had a few more hours and feel a bit more better. But the kids are crying so much that my headache is coming back. They don't feel well either. The other things my husband was trippin' out on was the fact that I'm losing too much weight. I would have to agree. I look a bit sickly when I'm feeling ok. Imagine what I've been looking like these past few days! OMG!  I haven't totally reached the goal that the doc set for me which is 140, but 160 feels comfortable for me. Now, How do you gain weight? I eat all the time because of the hypoglycemia and still lose weight. I haven't been able to work out regularly because of the headaches. So what the heck am I supposed to sausage and bacon to gain a few pounds or do I just try to build some muscle? I'm just so confused. My husband has been so supportive and I understand his concerns. He's just so tired of me going through so much before and after surgery. He wonders if it was worth it. And I have to admit....he had me thinking for a minute on weather it's been worth it either. I still say yes, because I have over 100 lbs gone and I do feel better about myself. I think I just have to do some fine tuning and get things under control. I just want to be healthy and feel like a woman again. I take my vitamins and try to get in all my protien and water for the day. Some days are harder than others, but I haven't given up. I want to thank all the girls that have checked in on me and left me such good information, best wishes and prayers! You guys are great! I hope that by the weekend I can be back on track and feeling 'human'. lol!
