Anniversary Numero Uno

Jun 06, 2011

I had my one year anniversary followup visit with the surgeon a couple of weeks back and got too busy to post. So, now that I have a couple of minutes, here's what he said and a bit about my first year journey
While I was wanting to reach "100 pounds lost" by the one year mark, I didn't quite make it. I was at my highest weight of 256 about 2.5 years prior to surgery. I lost 50 pounds but couldn't maintain it. The day prior to surgery, I weighed in at about 226. The first 3 months post op, I really dropped pounds very quickly--probably due to being sick constantly.

When I finally got feeling better the weight loss was steady until about December. Since December, I have only lost about 20 pounds and feel like I am still 20 pounds overweight. HOWEVER, Dr. Hart was really pleased saying, " You have lost 70% of your excess weight and are no longer obese! This is our goal for every patient."

He didn't seem concerned that the weight loss seems to have stalled. He just encourages being diligent and doing what has worked up till now. (Drink water, take supplements, eat small meals throughout the day, get the protein in!) He thinks weight loss continues about 18 months. I am hoping that's true. I'd love to reach 135 and be able to maintain between 135-140. I now fluctuate between 151 and 154.

I know that I do better when I log my food and water. I am using OH website as an accountability partner, even though I don't regularly connect with many users. I do read what others are saying and am encouraged by how this surgery changes lives and how it has changed mine.

I am so much better off physically--no GERD, no high cholesterol, lower blood pressure, less cancer risk, much less joint pain. What a blessing!
On the frou-frou side, I now have something to wear wherever I go. I don't obsess about how I look, how much I sweat, how short of breath I am..... It's great!!

Reached one of my goals!

Dec 02, 2010

Yahoo! My BMI is now less than 30! Hooray for me! I actually dropped 3 pounds over Thanksgiving holidays and that was traveling out of town, too. I took my own foods and really ate to feel good. (I now feel bad when I eat fat and sugars. Thank God!) I am so pleased with this! I am actually seeing what I wanted so much start to come to pass. Yeah!

Five Month Anniversary

Oct 11, 2010

Tomorrow is my five month anniversary of having surgery. So far, the results are phenomenal. At slightly over 50 pounds weight loss, I have lost 50% of my excess weight. (An average of 10 pounds per month.)
I look so much better, but the way I feel is even better. I have more energy, have increased mobility, have discontinued medications for GERD, hyperlipidemia, glucosamine, and decreased my blood pressure meds. I now have a usable lap and can cross my legs. My knee pain is greatly decreased, too. Wow!

I feel very blessed to have had this procedure (RNY) and am certainly saving money since I eat so much less--especially processed foods and junk. This money savings can be used for the supplements I now take.

All in all, the only regret is waiting so many years thinking I could do this myself without surgical intervention. God bless and good luck to anyone who can do it alone. I couldn't and it took me many, many years thinking "if I just get a grip, I can do it!"

If you are considering WLS, I encourage you to do your research and then go for it. The rest of my life will be the best years of my life! (Even when bad things happen, they will be more tolerable when being overweight isn't an over-arching problem!)

Over 50 pounds

Oct 06, 2010

OK, I've now lost a bit over 50 pounds and folks are just now starting to notice. It seems like 5-6 people everyday exclaim, "Wow, you have really lost weight!"

I have been since March trying to lose weight (surgery on May 12th) yet in all this time, not many notice. Makes you wonder if you just wake up one day and the weight has melted off overnight. (Hah? I'm just being sarcastic. ) These same people see me eating really smaller portions and avoiding the cookies, sweets and treats and it doesn't register at all.

The next question is, "Give me your secret. How are you doing this?"

I learned from this very web site to say, "I am doing everything my doctor tells me--small portions, avoid carbs, exercise and drink lots of fluid."
Guess all of you know that this is not a sexy answer.....everyone (including all of us) wants an easy answer. It's just not the way it works.

Anyway, I'm so glad to be shrinking on the outside. On the inside, I feel myself growing--stronger, more confident, assured, forgiving of myself and others and better in every way.


Oct 01, 2010

I have been really busy and haven't posted much, but things are changing. I still log my food every day, which takes a lot of time, but just venting/updating/blogging has just been more than I had time for.

Then, a couple of days ago I noticed that I am getting out of the bathtub sooooo much easier. I have a torn meniscus and had constant knee pain pre surgery. Getting out of the tub was very painful. I now can rise up and get out with much less pain and so much faster/easier. In fact, the knee pain in general is 70% less than pre surgery and yet I have only lost 50 pounds!

I have been in a 3 week weight loss plateau and have exercised very little, due to traveling and being almost overwhelmed with projects and busy-ness. (So, I understand the plateau!) Still, I am feeling so much smaller and my clothes are really getting too big, too. I was in size
22 jeans and now can wear 16's! Wow, not since the late 70's or early 80's did I wear a 16 jean!

Both of these blessings are phenomenal! I am blessed.

Testing My Plan

Sep 09, 2010

Today I leave for a 4-day business trip. I am packing cheese sticks, protein powder, greek yogurt, celery and other foods that will enable me to survive despite not knowing what the menu(s) will be. (The meals are included in this trip, for the most part, and are served, not ordered from a menu.) I am excited to see if I can maintain my momentum and enjoy the good things that have happened in this (almost) 4-month journey since surgery.
I have lost 48 pounds and have less knee pain, more mobility, clothes fit better, take less medication, have lower blood pressure and actually I am less food-obsessed. This last point is remarkable, since I am always taking supplements, planning menus, drinking water/beverages or scrolling the OH web site.
May I keep peaceful and follow the plan, trusting my Maker, and walk in obedience, which will result in a good trip and make one more happy story to log for my journey.

Staying On Track

Aug 31, 2010

I am finding that it is so much easier to stay on track if I do the following:
   * Eat at home/cook for myself/stay out of restaurants
   * Limit business lunches to the rare, rare occasion (Eating and talking and working is a bad combo for me. I "forget" and eat foods I ordinarily would NEVER touch like potato chips and such!)
   *  Plan ahead to avoid being hungry with nothing prepared. If I go to the grocery and keep fresh, clean and wholesome foods that I like, I enjoy the food and am much more satisfied (physically, mentally and emotionally)
   *  Pray for wisdom, patience and strength to do the things I know to do without getting discouraged, impatient or "too big for my britches!"
   *  Log my foods every day and have routines so I take my supplements, drink the water and work MY program.

Thanks to anyone who reads my blog and provides input. I really appreciate my OH friends and rely on you for my support system. Luv you all!
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Baggy Pants

Aug 28, 2010

Today, I was involved with a local United Way fundraiser--a fashion show--in which I was a presenter for a woman winning an award. I also did the inspiration before lunch, so I knew I would be on the stage and followed and preceded by beautiful, celebrity models who were wearing the latest fashions from Chicos and White House/Black Market.

About 3 weeks ago, I found an old outfit (from pre-surgery) in my closet that I had only worn once before I gained a lot of weight (again). it was pretty flattering and didn't look out of date. I planned to wear this to the event. I tried it on yesterday and it was pretty loose, but it didn't look bad.

However, today all day, I was tugging at my pants waistband. Honest, they were lined with a very silky material and I thought I might actually lose them. (Wow! Talk about making a spectacle of yourself!) When I got home, I looked at the tags and the suit was a 16W. I was wearing a 22W pre-RNY, on May 12th.

I keep feeling like I am not getting smaller, but this proves that the changes may look slow on the scale, but will just "pop" up in your clothes when you least expect it. I am giving that suit away and I won't have to fear "dropping my drawers" again with that outfit, anyway!
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3 Months Post Op

Aug 20, 2010

Went to the surgeon's office yesterday and had a great comment from him. He said, "Wow, you've lost 40% of your excess weight. Most people only lose 30% in the first 3 months."
I was really pleased since I have felt like the loss was slow and almost stagnant at times.

However, once again there were office staff problesm. They asked, "Where are your lab results?" They never gave me lab orders or told me to get labs done before coming to the office for the 3 month visit.

I have had labs done by my PCP, but not the surgeon. Communication in this office is seriously lacking. It really makes for frustration and aggravation. I had to wait over an hour for them to contact the PCP and get results sent over! Ordinarily, I would have been so irritated that I'd have stopped for some drive-thru goodies to calm my attitude, but not now. Thank God!

Met a goal!

Jul 22, 2010

One of my unposted goals was to drop below the lowest weight I have been in the past 10 or 15 years. That "magic" number was to go below 195.

Today, I got on the scale (which seems to be creeping down so slooooowly) and saw 193.5! Wow! When I did weight watchers in 2003, I finally dropped to 195 in 2005 and held that weight for two years. I then gradually began to gain, gain, gain and ended up back around 235. Since I am a shorty, I shouldn't weigh any where near that much.

It feels so good to have finally broken through that old mile marker. Good for me! Go, girl! I rock! Keep working the plan! Stay the course! Just do it! Make it work!
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About Me
Surgery Date
May 04, 2010
Member Since

Friends 48

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