At Home and Recovering

Dec 10, 2008

Post Date 11/25/08 11:13 am
Topic: At Home and Recovering

Hey everyone!

I thought I would take a sec to write to you all while my Percacet is keeping the pain away!

I am pretty sore from the operation but I think it is more from the huge hiatal hernia they fixed. Still running a low temp which my husband has been keeping an eye on. Hospital said low temp is normal but to call doc if it got to 101F or higher. So far holding around 99.3F.

I could not beleive it when they told me about the hernia. Large enough to fit a tennis ball through!! That is insane!!! I am only 28!!  My doc said I must have been born with it since he has never seen one that size in someone younger than 70.

Incisions don't hurt except for the port incision. That is painful, especially when I tighten my abs. My legs and arms are sore from me trying hard as hell to not use my abs.

Been using my spirometer and drinking protein like crazy. Mmmm protein and jello never tasted so damn good. I tried to have broth but the saltiness turned me off. I will stick to my vanilla protein with skim milk and my sugar free jello and sugar free popsicles.

Thank you all for your support and prayers. I will keep you updated as I recover :) :)

Surgery in Less than 24 hours

Dec 10, 2008

Post Date 11/23/08 1:38 pm
Topic: Surgery in Less than 24 hours

Surgery is a 9:20 am tomorrow.

Still pretty jittery. I went out and bought all my liquid food today and hubby is trying to keep me calm. I think I will take a Xanax at bedtime tonight like the doctor said.

I'm pretty scared since I talked to a woman who I had educational nutrition class with and she said it hurts ALOT and that she is already starving (she had her surgery on Wednesday this week).  Needless to say, I have not called her back.

Made a good confession at Church yesterday and received the sacrament of annointing also. I am so jittery. The more I am scared the faster the clock seems to move toward 9:20 tomorrow.

Need Support - Surgery on Monday Nov 24

Dec 10, 2008

Post Date 11/19/08 3:12 pm
Topic: Need Support - Surgery on Monday Nov 24

Ok I have been on here for months and have met so many of you and you have all been wonderful.

Surgery is in 4 DAYS and I am starting to freak out a little again. Not so much about the procedure now (my doc is awesome and i totally trust him) but about after the smoke clears. 

How am I going to remember to drink every minute? What if I don't eat enough? What if I eat too much? What if I get REALLY bad constipation? I'm scared about failing, scared about hurting afterward and scared that my esophagus will swell and cut off my ability to breathe. 
Someone please tell me this is going to be ok....

One Week To Go!!!

Dec 10, 2008

Post Date 11/17/08 5:14 am
Topic: One Week To Go!!!

I am getting REALLY excited!! I have one week left to wait!

Had my pre-op tests on Friday and did not have any surprises. Will discuss results today with Dr. T at my last appointment with him before surgery next week.

I have run the gammet of emotions these last few months. Thanks to all of you here that have helped me on this roller coaster!  I have to say it is an exciting ride!!!!

Healthy Stacy is coming soon!!!!

2 Weeks Until Surgery - NERVOUS

Dec 10, 2008

Post Date 11/13/08 1:17 pm
Topic: 2 Weeks Until Surgery - NERVOUS

I have two weeks until surgery and I am getting more and more nervous.

Tomorrow I have all my pre-op testing (chest x-ray, EKG, blood work). My dad is going with me which will probably calm my nerves a little (hopefully).

Monday I have my Pre-op appointment with my surgeon and then Monday 24th is my surgery.

I am not so much scared of the surgery itself anymore. After talking with my surgeon, I am very comfortable with him and know he will take good care of me.  It is more AFTER the surgery that I am scared about. I really want to do this and change my life, but I am so scared I am going to eff it all up. I know the only way to really fail at this is to not do what you should.  I guess at my education class this week I saw the size of food I will be able to eat once I am healed(3 medicine cups).  My husband tells me not to worry because that is what i SHOULD be eating.  When I really think about it, I already eat pretty healthily so it will just be the amount that will be cut back.

I don't know...I know I am rambling. I do have therapy tonight so hopefully I can get these thoughts straight.

Relationship w/ surgeon NEW Question

Dec 10, 2008

Post Date 10/20/08 12:03 pm
Last Edit: 10/20/08 1:14 pm
Topic: Relationship w/ surgeon NEW Question

What kind of relationship do you have with your surgeon?

Is it a very close relationship or is your close relationship with your recommending PCP and the relationship with the surgeon is procedural only?

I am meeting my surgeon (one on one) for the first time next month, about 3 weeks before my surgery. Then I will have preop with him a week before surgery. I met him at one of his seminars back in July and liked him instantly while he was giving his presentation.  My sister and her husband had him as a surgeon (she had RNY and he had lapband) and they recommended him highly to me. Plus his partner did my doctor monitored weight loss program and I did not like HIM much at all.  He seemed so much nicer and had a great bedside manner.

My relationship with my PCP is very close. She met with me for an hour discussion when I was making my decision to pursue the surgery. I also discussed for 2 months with my therapist before making a decision.

I guess I am asking because I'm wondering if I should have as close a relationship with the surgeon as I do with my PCP?

What I meant was how close were you to your surgeon BEFORE your surgery? I recognize that I will become very close AFTER the surgery :)  THANKS!!

Breathing Tube?!?

Dec 10, 2008

Post Date 10/20/08 10:50 am
Topic: Breathing Tube?!?

I am approved for surgery and will get banded on Nov. 24th. I have been reading the book "Weightloss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band" by Dr. Robert Sewell.

In the book it talks about the anasthesia portion of the surgery and how you must have muscle paralyzers to keep from having your muscles involuntarily jerk during surgery. However, this means you must have a breathing tube since you can't breathe without assistance.  Basically your breathing is dependent on the anasthesiologist.

This has me totally freaked out. I'm not afraid of having the band in me for life.  But depending on someone else to make sure I am breathing IS SCARING ME.  Plus the book says you may be aware of what is going on around you before surgery.  I don't know how I would react if I could feel them putting a breathing tube down my throat!

I have never had a major operation before. I know that I am going to be in full panic mode when the day comes. 

Was anyone who has had the surgery fully aware of the breathing tube being put in? Is it normal to feel this way?

I got my approval ...AND NOW A DATE TOO!!

Dec 10, 2008

Post Date 10/16/08 5:07 am
Last Edit: 10/16/08 10:07 am
Topic: I got my approval ...AND NOW A DATE TOO!!

Last week my doc submitted to my insurance company and I found out yesterday I was approved!!!!

My surgery will be scheduled during Thanksgiving week or the following week (need to firm up today).

I am so excited, nervous, scared, happy, relieved, hopeful....UGH so many emotions!!!

Now I must do my pre-op appointments and get ready for the big day! Any advice from you veterans out there to a newbie on how to stay calm before the surgery or on anything that you wish you would have done, read, asked before the surgery?


Now I have a date too!!  Monday November 24th!!!!!!!!

I've Been Submitted to Insurance for Review

Dec 10, 2008

Post Date 10/7/08 11:56 am
Topic: I've Been Submitted to Insurance for Review

I have been on this board for some time now and I want to thank you all for your open and honest posts as they have helped me make the decision to pursue the band.

This week my package was submitted to my insurance company (Optima) for review. I am excited, nervous, scared, hopeful, I don't even know what else! I just keep thinking about how great I am going to feel once I finally have some help. I have been off my doctor-monitored diet now since July and I have fluctuated 2-3 pounds since then. I am still exercising like crazy (45 min cardio 4-5 times/week).

Now I have to start really watching how I eat my food. I am still eating too fast and too much. I know that I am not going to be able to REALLY change the too much until I am banded, but I know I need to stop eating so fast and start chewing my food better. I also need to stop drinking while I eat.

Did anyone else feel the way I do now (scared, excited, nervous, unsure, happy,  hopeful, etc) before the band? My mom (who had RNY in 2003) tells me that once the pounds start to come off I won't be so nervous anymore.

RE: Out of Options, Need Support

Dec 10, 2008

Post Date 7/8/08 4:20 pm
Topic: RE: Out of Options, Need Support

Thanks again for the responses. This is the most active message board I have ever seen!

I have had a doctor recommended to me. My doctor for the assisted weight loss program (Dr. Clark) works with another Doc (Dr. Terracina) here in Newport News,VA.  Dr. Terracina did my sister's gastric bypass and my brother-in-law's lap band and they both highly recommend Dr. Terracina.  My mother had Dr. Hammad from Magee's Women's Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA (also another excellent surgeon but she only does teh bypass, no lap-band).

In response to some of the posts, I have in fact, already cut out most carbs from my diet. After doing the weight loss program with the doc for a year and seeing no results, my nurse practitioner advised me to take a break. I actually ate cereal for the first time in a year.  The terrible part about it was I actually felt guilty eating the cereal now. I used to be a carb junkie. Now I limit myself (hardly any bread or potatoes, minimal fruit). I never used to be a sweets person so no worries there.

The thing is,  its seems I have such an amazingly adaptable body that once I cut something out or cut down calories or increase exercise, my body says "HA! You thought that would make me give up the weight?!? I am holding on to it more than ever sister!!" I've never seen anything like it. My therapist tonight recommended a nutritionist but I have to say that I don't think I could stand to shell out bunch of cash again (of course no insurance accepted) to fail again. Plus I don't know how that will be any different than having a doctor watch my bloodwork and tell me what to eat.

Sorry to sound so negative. I am just working out alot of things in my head today (nervous about WLS seminar tomorrow I guess). I feel like a failure sometimes. Plus I see how much my mom and my sister suffered for YEARS and I think that I havent' suffered for as long as they have so why shoudl I try to have surgery?
