So near - and yet so far ....

Sep 30, 2010

So this is an interesting month, so far I'm down 7lbs which takes me to a grand total of 95lbs in 6 1/2 months.

So tantalisingly close to the following :

- 5lbs to take me to oneunderland and a loss of 100lbs
- 5lbs to put on track for a 90% EWL in 18 months (and only only 10 lbs off of the 100% target
- 3lbs to take me to a loss of 7 stone (UK measurement)
-1lb to take me to a weight of 14 1/2 stone - the weight I was when I met my hubbie
-10 lbs will take my BMI to Overweight and not Obese

I'm going to see if I can get to 199lbs this months weigh in on 9th Oct, but realistically think I will definately get to it by 10th Nov and certainly before my Birthday on 24th Oct.

I'm feeling great - have changed my exercise routine and added in Body Combat - which is a great workout - I burned 650 cals in 60 minutes and managed to do the whole routine which surpassed my expectations.

I've also started walking outside as it begins to get cooler - I walked 3.25k in 33 mins which was good considering it was 100 F - will work on improving this in the future.  I have a pair of Nike+ shoes with an inbuilt tracker so will use this to track my progress.

Wearing size UK 14 clothes - with the odd size 12.



Weekend Break - Tankini !

Sep 25, 2010

Yippee !! - i've just been on a 5 day road trip to Muscat and still managed to lose weight ! - ok - only 1 lb - but heh - a loss is a loss right ?

Also - I wore a tankini - not worn one of those in a long, long time.  I splashed out and treated myself to a good supportive tankini before my break, and boy did it feel good to wear it - sure I'm not yet in perfect pool shape, but my workouts in the gym and at pilates have sure changed my body shape and I feel more confident and sexy at the pool than ever before.

So, Hubbie and I have been on a road trip to the fantastic Chedi Hotel in Muscat, we were going to go there for our honeymoon but decided that the weather would be too cold so went to Singapore instead.  Ever since then we've had a hankering to go to the Chedi, but couldn't justify the cost - until I spotted a deal to stay for 3 nights and pay for 2.

So we left Dubai on Tuesday evening and took a short drive across the Dubai/Oman border and stayed in a basic traveller hotel for our first night away - complete with a free birthday cake for hubbie as I had mentioned his birthday when booking ! - He loved the cake and managed to tuck away most of it himself - I had a small spoonful but gave up as it was way to sweet !

Dinner - was grilled chicken & veg and breakfast was some porridge (made with cream - yum!) and some cheese.

We then drove along the coast to Muscat where we checked into our very romantic hotel for the next 3 days.  I had taken my gym kit - but didn't manage to get to the gym - but don't feel bad as it was nice to take a break from exercise for a few days.

Foodwise - I did well and made some good food choices, although the concept of just taking a few things for breakfast from a HUGE buffet was strange - I still have the mentality of wanting to try everything and 'get my monies worth'  - it's going to take a long time to break this feeling - it's something instilled in me since my childhood, and whilst I am fine with this approach, it still seems strange and I have to plan ahead what I am going to eat - not helped by the fact that my hubbie often has 3-4 platefuls of everything on offer - including freshly cooked waffles which smelled gorgeous !

I often forget about not eating and drinking at the same time - ordering a drink and then leaving it - but that's small price to pay.

So here's what I had to eat :

Breakfast every day - 1/2 portion of yogurt with some muesli on top, 1 poached egg, salmon & hollandaise sauce
(I saved the second 1/2 of my yogurt for my afternoon snack - much to the amusement of the restaurant staff !)

Lunch - by the pool - either 1/3 caeser salad, hummus and veggies, 1/2 portion thai fish cakes

Dinner - First night - nothing - fell asleep and missed dinner (not good - but boy did I sleep well)
Second Night - Omani Seafood mixed grill (lobster, prawns, fish fillets) & raspberry cheesecake - both shared with hubbie
Third Night - Smoked Salmon terrine, Grilled Omani Fish & mash potato - both shared with hubbie

Drinks - Water or Tomato Juice or Mint/Lemon with no sugar/syrup.

I'm not too sure how I did on protein etc, as I didn't diary - but am sure that my protein grams were too low and I must work on increasing these again.

Bye for Now...


WOW Facts about my WLS .....

Sep 20, 2010

So I've been looking at my OH profile and doing some reflection on the past 6 months and wanted to record some information about my progress which reflects the dramatic changes my VSG has made to my life.

I'm calling these my WOW Facts :- (a mixture of scale and NSV's)

I've lost a massive 91 lbs
I've lost 65% of my EWL
I only have 9 more lbs to lose til I'm under 200 lbs and have lost 100lbs 
My BMI - has gone from 46 to 32.6
I've gone from size 24/26 UK to 14 UK and have a few 12's too !
I have lost 45 inches off my body (since June)  *
I can play squash, jog, lift weights, rollerblade, cycle, walk - without moaning !
I LOVE exercise and get get grouchy if I miss it
I did the 1st day of the 30 Day Shred Programme without stopping and thought it was OK
I've moved from beginners to Level 1 and am now Level 2 at Pilates - and of course I'm the biggest there !
I have muscles, I have bones which I can feel, I have curves and shape
I'm more confident, feel more sexy, get noticed more
I've bought my first tankini and will be wearing it this weekend in Muscat
I'm part way through the C25k programme
I'm planning my first half marathon next year
My body fat is 31% - I think I started at about 48% if not more
I'm more mobile - I can get on and off my hammock without assistance and not look clumsy !
I can walk up 10 flights of stairs at a time
I can eat most things (no syrup or crap sugar or I feel ill) and feel satisfied
I can have treats occassionally and still lose weight
I can go on holiday and lose weight not gain
I can eat out with friends and family, enjoy my meal and still bring home leftovers for another meal (or two)
I fit comfortably on plane seats - even crossing my legs and lowering the table !
My donated my clothes to some lovely ladies in a labour camp which has helped them save money
I've spent - a small fortune - on new clothes and enjoyed buying clothes
I've had choice about what clothes I buy as I can shop from all shops now not just a few outsize ones

I will add to this from time to time - it's important to remember ALL of this stuff - not just the pounds on the scale.

* wish I had taken my measurements at the start of this


6 Months in @ 211 lbs (down 88 lbs) - Picture

Sep 14, 2010

So, only down 6 lbs this month from last, but I can see my posture improving and my abs developing nicely.  Need to do some more strength work now to start toning up the arms and legs.  Need to work on building up an even sun tan too !

Buying clothes new in size UK 14 and even a few 12's - I started at UK 24-26 !

IMG_1927-1.jpg picture by zzroged


Body Composition Update : 13 Sept 2010

Sep 12, 2010

As you know I'm something of a numbers freak and am celebrating my losses in lbs, stone, kilos, inches, EWL,BMI etc - basically anything where I can see a downwards trend ! 

So, on 2nd May I got a free body composition analysis at a health show I went to, and had it re-tested on the 14th July and today. 

The guy who did my readings - was tutting - and saying that I was overweight as he handed me the paperwork, but was somewhat surprised when I said the figures were good and I was happy with the numbers - I then untold him my starting weight was 299lbs ! - then he congratulated me on my loss and shook my hand !

The findings are as follows : 

                            2nd May      14th July   13th Sept     Total Loss since 2nd May  
Weight                 253 lbs      226lbs        206 lbs              47 lbs                                    
% Body Fat            45.4%        36.4%        32.1%                13.3%
BMI                       39.8          35.5           32.4                    7.4
Fat Mass                115 lbs      80 lbs        70 lbs                 45 lbs

FAT - by body part ! - yuck !
Right Leg                22.4lbs        14.5 lbs     12.5 lbs            9.9lbs
Left Leg                 22.2 lbs        14.1 lbs     12.4lbs             9.8lbs
Right Arm                7.9 lbs         5.1 lbs       4.7lbs              3.2lbs
Left Arm                 8.8 lbs         5.2 lbs       4.6lbs             4.2 lbs
Torso                     53.7 lbs         41.2 lbs    36.3lbs           18.4 lbs

Take Care

VSG & Gall Bladder Removal 9th March 2010


Yeah - I broke my 'stall'

Sep 11, 2010

So - I have been in a bit of a slowed down weight loss situation for the past couple of weeks - to be expected of course, but no so satisfying on the scales as usual.

I thought about doing the 5 day pouch test but to be honest I want to save this for when I don't think my restriction is so good - and at the moment it's fine.

I remembered I had bought a book a while ago called The Dukan Diet - so decided to give this ago - and it's worked - I'm down 4lbs in just 2 days.

So what's about - i did the first part of the diet the attack phase which you can do for up to 10 days (5 is typical)- which is based on you eating the following :

1.5 tbs oatbran daily - I made mine with ff yogurt and water and left it soaking overnight
Chicken/Turkey - no skin
Pork, Beef, Fish, LF Ham, Eggs, FF Milk, FF Yogurt/dairy
Daily Exercise - walking
Plenty of Water

It's kind of a healthy Atkins (no oils, fats, butter, cream).  I've been enjoying my oatie breakfast, have had a few ff lattes and then mainly cold or bbq meats - and it seems to have worked.

Interestingly enough - on the Dukan website - he says my idea weight is 170lbs - whereas I am targetting for 155lbs which takes me to the top end of the BMI table.

That's it for now !


6 Month Progress

Sep 09, 2010

Hi to all the March 2010 Surgery Pals - September should be your 6 month surgerversary.

So how are you doing?

I'm down 88lbs which is fab.  (Read my blog for more).
Have a BMI of 33 - compared to 46.9
I'm wearing UK size 14 (US 16) - down from a UK 22-24
Am going lots of exercise - compared to none pre-surgery
Am eating plenty of good protein, some good carbs - compared to total rubbish before !

Would be great to hear from you - with your progress too.


6 Month Weigh In

Sep 09, 2010

So yesterday was my 6 month surgerversary ! and I am pleased to report that I am 88lbs down (a staggering 6 stone 4lbs or 40kgs - depending on how you read weights!).  According to the progress tracker this is 63.1% of my EWL - WOW !

Here's my progress :
Month 1 - down 30 lbs   BMI 46.8
Month 2 - down 12 lbs
Month 3 - down 9 lbs
Month 4 - down 11 lbs
Month 5 - down 10 lbs
Month 6 - down 6 lbs   BMI 33

Clothes wise I've gone from a UK 22-24 to UK 14 (US 12) - but am still struggling to get my head around that - I still pick up bigger sizes and then have to get them all swopped once I'm in the changing room !  I'm shaping up nicely too which is good (though still might need some plastics at the end of this journey).

Foodwise - I'm eating most things (protein first of course) and getting good restriction - I still weigh or measure my food - I'm getting most of my protein from food rather than shakes - although I do have the occassional 1/2 a protein bar if I'm on the run.  Getting in liquids is fine - I usually do 3 litres a day at least.   I do have some carbs - the good healthy ones, and very occassionally will have a few of the bad ones.  Sugary chocolate sauce/syrup makes me dump so I avoid it - which is not such a bad thing !

I track my food on and typically eat between 800-1000 cals per day, less than 40g's carbs and fat and 80-100g's of protein.  Some days I have more cals - particularly if I'm exercising - I usually burn 500-600 cals per exercise session alone.

Exercise wise - I'm doing lots - Pilates Reformer, Squash, RPM classes, Gym (cardio & weights) and the C25k programme.  I'm also walking as much as possible and will do more once it gets a bit cooler and less humid outside.  Still haven't managed to do Body Combat - will have to squeeze that in too.

In Pilates I've been moved from beginner to intermediate - which is great - it has taken me 12 weeks which is quick, but I think shows how much I've improved and how hard I've worked on getting strong abs - both at Pilates and in the gym.


Month 6 was a slower month for me, partly I think because I've lost so quickly, and also I spent 2 weeks in the UK where my food and exercise schedule was not so much of a priority - so when I came back I stalled losing for 2 weeks - I'm doing the attack phase of the Dukan diet this week to see if I can shift this and start the scales moving again.  Having said that I am losing inches and going down in size even if the scales don't move - kinda strange !

Over the weekend I plan to go and get my body composition done, so that I can see how I am progressing with that too.

Will post pictures next week once I've had some taken.


VSG & Gall Bladder Removal 9th March 2010


Back from the UK

Aug 27, 2010

BREAKING NEWS : I lost weight on holiday !

Arrived back from the UK yesterday - after a rainfilled and cold camping holiday at my sisters Lake.  I had a fab time but did spent most of my time with 5 or 6 layers of clothes trying to keep or stay warm due to the huge difference to temperature.

Anyway, the journey was good - I flew Virgin economy and had plenty of room in my seat and to do up my seatbelt - I even managed to get the tray down with plenty of room to spare.  I ordered a diabetic meal and was served fish and veggies and had some fruit which was good.  Coming back I upgraded to Virgin premium economy as I had an overnight flight so there was even  more room in my seat.  I didn't have any food as I wasn't hungry, but did have a small glass of lightly sparkling wine (my first since surgery) and it was good and helped me to sleep. 

The steward felt sorry for me as I didn't want food (they didn't start serving dinner til 11.30 pm) so he kept me topped up with tomato juice which was my drink of choice !   I slept really well - managed to get about 4 hours quality sleep before landing and then went out for eggs benedict (without the bread) for breakfast with hubbie. 

Even though it's Ramadan here there are a few places which are discreetly open for non muslims - I'm kinda in a quandry about this - but as it's allowed to licenced eateries - I guess it's ok by me.

Holiday eating was not great - we were  camping so had limited storage for cold food - I did try to get my protein in each day but it was a struggle.  Also I did have a small pudding most days - including a slice of chocolate cake which was made for me - it's difficult to turn stuff down when someone has made the effort to make something for you.  Actually - though - it was good to be able to fit in with the family eating plans, make good choices where I could but not get too hung up when I couldn't - it made for a more relaxing holiday.

What bothered me was that eating pudding and cake gave me no restriction feeling at all - and I could see how easily it would be to fill up on sugary crap and gain weight - so I am going to take note of this for future - as I definately prefer not to make these choices a regular occurence - I prefer to keep them as treats.

So back in Dubai I'm back on plan, am going food shopping this afternoon bot get some good healthy choices back in the fridge as my hubbie has just about emptied the fridge whilst I was away.

Whilst I was away I went clothes shopping and bought some great sports gear for a fraction of the price I would pay in Dubai - some to fit now - but most in smaller sizes down to a UK 12 which I think is a US 10 - I haven't EVER worn this size of clothes !

I'm now the smallest sized adult female in my family which is odd - my sister is pleased for my loss but also looked a bit uncomfortable as I bought smaller clothes - my husbands mum said I had lost enough and should stop now - even though I want to lose about 50 lbs more yet.

My mum (who also had surgery but has now stopped losing - but still has lots more to go) said she is thinking about asking for the second part of surgery to get her intestines re-routed.  She has maintained a loss of about 80 lbs but is still not light enough for knee replacement surgery which was why she had the original VSG nearly 18 months ago.  She has allowed her really sweet tooth to take over and in between meals she eats lots of sweets and chocolates - I tried to have a talk to her about this - but frankly she wasn't interested in discussing the issue.  She eats lots of carbs, very few proteins and frankly is making really bad food choices - it's difficult to watch - but the only person who can change that is her and she's not ready to do it - not helped by the fact that my step dad seems to like her larger because she is more reliant on him for help.

I did little formal exercise whilst away but did keep active on the farm, did lots of walking and running for frisbees and also did some kite flying with the kids which was great and also some cycling - probably the most active I have ever been with them.

Anyway, I've now lost exactly 6 stone (86lbs) and am on track to have lost 100 lbs by the end of Oct which is my birthday - this month so far I've only lost 2lbs - but am sure I will lose more now I'm back to eating, drinking and exercising to my plan - I have RPM in the morning and may play squash this afternoon.

BYE for now !
VSG & Gall Bladder removal 9th March 2010 - THIS IS MY YEAR !

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Packing for the UK

Aug 15, 2010

Today I packed my suitcase ready for my trip to the UK tomorrow.  Now that I'm wearing smaller clothes there is much more room left in my suitcase for other stuff such as toiletries and treats for my family.  I can't believe how much smaller my clothes is - it's crazy !

Over the weekend I bought some new clothes to tide me over - UK size 16 (US 14) for T-Shirts and Trousers and a medium (UK 12-14) on some new trousers for the gym - ok they are a tiny bit snug but my L and XL are way too big now so needed to be replaced and I didn't want to buy L again and never again XL !

I've also gone down a shoe size so have donated a load of shoes and clothes to a women's labour camp in Abu Dhabi - where they will make all the difference to the african ladies - who apparently are the only nationality in Dubai in need of larger clothes !  It's a great cause - as the ladies here tend to send all of their money home to support their families back in Africa.

For the first holiday ever I have packed my exercise kit and am planning to do some exercise whilst away - maybe some jogging up and down the farm track and around the lake - plus I will probably be chasing sheep and piglets who seem to keep escaping !

So I'm leaving in the morning for 10 days in the UK - am camping at my sisters site which is beautiful but am not looking forward to it at the moment as the weather in the UK is COLD and WET !

Foodwise - I should be ok - as I will go shopping with my sister to get some food in - the main challenge is eating on the flight - have ordered a diabetic meal and will take some extra bits with me too.  I guess it will be nice not to weigh each day - albeit it always seems uncomfortable to me to do that as I like to make sure I keep on track.

Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to log on from time to time, - there is no electric at the site - or wifi - but am sure I will be able to hook up from time to time.

Will log on with progress on my return.


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