2 weeks post op
Jan 23, 2019
is tomorrow and a big day. I have my first therapist visit, and I have a list that I want to discuss with her.
Today I spent time with 2 of my best reasons for WLS, my newborn granddaughter Sophis and my 3 year old grandson Lincoln. So fun reading, rocking, and kisses.
I also had a day where I only lost 1/2 a pound BUT I wasn't upset becuase today was measurement day and I have inches from both my waist and hips. So excited!
Yesterday while sitting in the endocrinologist I was trying to get comfortable and without even thinking I crossed my legs! That is something I absolutley couldn't do 2 months ago. I also rode my excercise bike for a very slow 30 minutes, not a huge deal, but no pain and it felt good to get active.
So 2 weeks post op and things are looking brighter every single day.
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Before & After
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