Interesting phone conversation!

Sep 24, 2008

I've been reading on OH (mostly the RNY forum) about this RMR or BMR test (resting metabolic rate and basal metabolic rate) which helps you determine how many calories you need to be taking in to maintain or lose weight.  It's based on your age, sex (male or female, not whether or not you have any...haha), height, weight, and, if you are tested, it measures the oxygen you exhale or something.  This info is plugged into formulas which gives you the calorie amounts.  SOOOOO...I was checking around to see if anyone around Lewiston/Auburn does this test so I could see how many calories I SHOULD be taking in.  Yeah...Cheryl, I KNOW 600 probably ISN'T enough!!!!

I plugged in my numbers into some online BMR calculators and it said that I should be having like 1300-1400 calories/day!!!!  WHAT????  No way!  I can't imagine eating that much food!!!!!!! YIKES!  So, I called Fitness World to see if they did this test so I could maybe get a more accurate reading/test done.  The first guy I talked to had no idea what I was talking about, but he put Dr Christie (I think that was his name) on the phone!   He talked to me for over 40 minutes!!!!  (That's why I didn't meet you to chat Cheryl!  haha)  He asked why I wanted the test, my goals, how much I had lost, type of surgery, blah, blah, blah. 

According to him, the test isn't terribly accurate anyways and the online calculators are ALMOST as good (his opinion).  So, he says that I probably have my body in this "starvation mode" as I am only getting maybe half of the calories that I SHOULD be getting.  I told him how our "bible" says at this stage, I should only be getting 600-800 cals/day and that it increases at 6 months to 800-1000 cals/day.  He still thinks that I am not getting enough and that my weight loss will probably stall...even longer...if I don't up my calories and "good carbs" a bit.  Like I said, he talked to me for 40 minutes about this stuff...did some math for me and was amazed at how much I had lost already, and even told me about WWII POW's and how their starvation diets worked.  He WAS very was very interesting!!!!

So......NOW........what do I do?  Up the calories and hope that the weight finally starts coming off again? Keep with what I've been doing, knowing that I'll probably lose at "my time" of the month?  Do I call Corinne and talk to her or wait until I see her in a couple of weeks?  (I've been waiting this long that 2 more weeks probably won't make much of a difference?!?!)  I'm still kinda confused!  I just don't see how increasing your calories can help you LOSE weight!?!?!  BTW...he also stressed that the number of calories he gave me was ONLY IF I continued to work out as I have been (5-6x/week for at least 30 minutes)

Oh MY!  I just don't know!  Guess I'll play it by ear and see what happens!  If anyone has some words of wisdom.......please share!!!!!  I'm VERY willing to listen!!!!!!!!!!!!   Thanks!!!!

I'm SOOOO bad!!!

Sep 23, 2008

I'm so frustrated with this crap of gaining and losing the same 1-2 pounds all the time that I'm starting to make some REALLY bad choices!  I'm carbing it up WAAYYY  too much!  Today, for example, I've 2 fortune cookies, some sf chocolate, and some sf apple crisp!  OYY!!!  Yeah, I've gotten my protein, fluids, and vitamins done!  AND, I KNOW this is how my body works.....I usually only lose at my time of the month and then "stall" the rest of the month...but it's still annoying!  SHEESSHH!   NO...I DON'T expect to see the scale move every day!  BUT, a pound a week would be nice...MAYBE??  I know, I know!  I NEED to quit whining!  I AM grateful for all that I've lost so far!  I just get frustrated at times and this "self-sabotage" with the bad choices doesn't help the "stall"!  Sometimes, I'm just not a very good example for others (or myself). 

The other part of this is that I'm working out like an idiot and STILL not seeing the scale budge!  I do some form of exercise 6 days a week...jog/walk, stationary bike, exercise bands at home, work out videos, or the gym...depends how much time I've got!  You'd think with all the exercise and the few calories I'm eating, that the scale would just be plummeting!  NOT!  Yesterday, for example, I did an hour of cardio stuff (40 mins on the hill program on the eliptical, then 20 more minutes on the hill program on the stationary bike, then I did a pretty complete arm and leg work out on the weights....isn't that enough??  SHEESHH!!!)  I think I even overdid it on the abs as I've been having some pain in my lower left abdomen since yesterday.  I'll probably give it a day or two to see if it will go away on it's own, but it's annoying!   And, I only ate about 600 calories yesterday!  According to the equipment I was on, I burned at least 450 with just the cardio stuff, not counting the weight lifting stuff.  So, what gives??   I'm tired of trying to figure this all out!

I wonder sometimes if such few calories is sabotaging my metabolism, ie: putting me almost into starvation mode.  I don't understand all that stuff, but I'm just kinda wondering how it all works!  So, today, I'm taking a day off from walking and exercising (like today is the day to do that with all the bad stuff I've been eating!  haha)  But, I gotta rest the belly a bit too and see if that pain goes away.  Maybe tomorrow will be better?

Tomorrow's another day!  I WILL make better food choices and see if the body is feeling up to some more exercise.  Who knows?  I KNOW  I SURE DON'T!!!!!!!

This whole "hormonal" thing!

Sep 19, 2008

Ya know, who ever said this journey was easy was just lying through their teeth!  HA!  It's such an emotional rollercoaster.  It's an amazing journey and I am THANKFUL every day that I am able to continue on this journey, but I gotta tell's HARD sometimes!

First off, I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have offerred such kind words of support and encouragement!  They did NOT go unnoticed....Cheryl, Jess, Oceanlady, Kate....I REALLY appreciate it!  You have bouyed me through a bit of a tough spot and for that, I will be forever grateful!   Thank you all...even if I did not mention you by name!

Next....DH and I had a "heart to heart" last night!  He agreed with me that I've been  kinda "emotional" lately and that the kids have definitely noticed also.  He asked that I try to do my best to give the DD a little less "stress and grief" as he feels that it's driving a wedge between us.  I reminded him that much of what I am going through is not under my control as these wonderful hormones are released from my "fat" cells.  (BTW....good idea to remind the significant other about this as DH had COMPLETELY forgotten about this and thought I was just in a Bi%$&# mood!!)  He came to a realization during our conversation that my moodiness is NOT directed at him OR the kids in's just a general mood/funk that I am going through and the stress of being so busy is just all adding up.  Hopefully, things will be better now that he has a little more understanding?  We'll see.

I also had a little talk with the DD this morning and explained to her about the hormone thing too.  I explained that it's not an excuse for my moodiness but it sure doesn't help.  I also told her that I would try to not be as snappy with her.  We've always been pretty close and she admitted this morning that she has been spending more time in her room as she just didn't want to "deal" with my moodiness.  SHEESSHH...I NEVER knew I was THAT bad!  Told her I loved her no matter how grumpy I was and also explained about some of the stressors in my life right now.  Told her I WAS still here for her anytime she needed me, grumpy or not!  She also admitted that she's a little disappointed that I haven't been able to go to all her field hockey games this year.  I've had to stay with DS at his football practices and games (as he's younger) and there just isn't enough time to do both.  I DO go to her games when I can and I explained to her that I'm doing my best but aside from splitting myself in two...there's not much I can do!  I assured her that DS will not play baseball again this year so I CAN make it to ALL her softball games...which are more important to her than field hockey anyways!  Hopefully, that will all work out.  She seemed better after our little talk.

DH and I also had a chat about my ever-changing body and body image.  He admitted that he loved me at 260# and still loves me as much at 140#.  He knows I am very self-conscious about how my body looks now with all the saggy skin and he still insists that it doesn't bother him.  It still bothers me though and I know that I'll have to adjust my brain to all the skin in time.  He said he's just happy that I am so much healthier than I have ever been in my life.  AND, I know that is what is most important and that I did NOT have this surgery to become a beauty queen, but I guess I thought that I was...ahem.."young enough" that my skin would recoil a bit more than it has.  I know, I know...I'm still early in this process!  I NEED to give it time!  One of my BIGGEST faults is that I am IMPATIENT!!!!  I need to do better with that!!!!  Just something else to work on!!!  We also talked about plastic surgery in the future and he agreed that if insurance can pay for it, he'd be agreeable. So, time will tell with both the insurance and how much work I will actually need......IN THE FUTURE...the DISTANT future!

So, I think things are looking up, or looking better at least!  There's still so much mental work for me to do with this whole process!  It's almost like the physical part...actually losing all the weight, is the EASY part!!!!!  It's not really easy...but, wrapping your mind around all this is TOUGH!!!!  It'll get better!  I pray daily for strength and courage and patience........It'll come!'s NOT all bad either!!!!!!   I fit COMFORTABLY into my American Eagle size 10 "hipster" jeans with plenty of room at the waist in and the butt (I have NO butt!!!).  NEVER in my life did I ever think I'd fit into size 10 jeans, considering I started out wearing 24/26w!!  My granny panties are now a size 5.......down from size 10!!!!!!!  (Still loving my granny panties though!!)  I've gone from a size 24/26w top to a size Large...sometimes a medium, depending on how it runs in the belly!  I am wearing my DD's field hockey warm up jacket today, which is a size MEDIUM!!!!!!  AND IT FITS comfortably!!!!!!!  I guess I don't realize the changes until I see numbers like that!!!!!!  I'm still stuck at 140#.....dang stalls!  BUT!  I ate 2 Dunkin Donuts munchkins this morning and you know what????  I don't feel a bit of guilt for those 200 WASTED calories!!!!  I think that's the first time I've had a dunkin treat in about 9 or 10 months!!!!!!  AND I DESERVE IT!!!!!  haha!

I am heading out to DD's field hockey game in Newcastle here shortly and then we are going to hit a few thrift shops on the way home.  I need to find some warm clothes!  Needless to say...none of my winter clothes from last year fits!!!!!  I'll still wear my xl sweatshirts...I can get away with those, but my winter jackets are all 2-3xl!!!!!  I don't think I can get away with those and still be warm this year!  YIKES!  I need to find some inexpensive, warm pants for work, some turtlenecks, sweaters, and hopefully some long sleeve shirts.  We'll see what I can find, if anything!  Wish me luck!

Anyhoo.....Thank you ALL again for you support!  I'll probably be back to posting here shortly!  I know I can't catch up with all the posts I've missed but I want everyone who is going through this journey to know that I AM happy for ALL of you and PROUD of all YOUR successes!!!!!  Sorry I've been such a "crappy" supporter these past few days!  In the famous last words of Arnold........."I'll BE BACK!!"

Thanks everyone!!!!!!  Hugs and honks to all!  Ruth

In a funk!

Sep 17, 2008

I guess it's hormones...or something, who knows!?!?!?  Life is so busy!  Work, help kids with homework, do my paperwork, chase after practices and games, get groceries, pay the bills, try to exercise, etc, etc, etc!  I can't keep up!  I'm drowning in all this stuff and I'm not happy about it!  I know I need to just "push on through" but I can't!  I'm snappy with the kids and DH!  I hate it when I'm like that!  I'm just not real happy right now!   Not with my weight loss...just with life and the craziness in general!

I'm just tired!  Maybe I'm mourning the loss of my friend food, too?!?!  Who knows!  I KNOW I'm tired of "being good" with food choices and not seeing the scale move for weeks at a time.  I know things are slowing down weight loss wise as I get further out.  But, I'd still like to make my goal...eventually!  I'm tired of being called "skinny", which I'm not (Cheryl, this ISN'T directed at you, if you happen to read this!)  EVERYONE has comments about how I need to stop losing and how they can't believe I still need to lose as much as I do (people at work, friends, family...Mom, Dad, brother, sister....everyone!)  I know everyone wants me to be healthy, but...ENOUGH!  I just need to quit whining and get over myself!  

Sorry to be whining!  I just had to vent!  I know I should be thankful for all the blessings I've been given, and, for the most part...I AM!  Guess I just needed to "piss and moan" for a few minutes!  I'll be fine soon enough!

5 months post-op!!!!!

Sep 14, 2008

Oh my!!!!  I can't believe I am 5 months out from surgery today!  What a ride!  What a joyous ride!  I just can't stop thanking my God, my surgeon, my family, my OH family, all my friends.......your support and encouragement has gotten me this far and will hopefully get me to goal!  I am so close to my goal.......only 16 or so pounds away!!  That means I'm still about 31 pounds from Corinne's goal for me!  Still don't think I'll make that goal without some type of skin help, BUT....I am SOOO much healthier and feel SOOO much better!  It's incredible!

So....updates..........I've lost 118.5 pounds since my consult on 12/20/07.   52 pounds lost pre-op, so that leaves 66.5 lost in 5 months!  So, that means I've averaging just over 13 pounds per month!  I'll take it!  WOOHOO!!!    I've lost 88% of my excess body weight (according to MY goal!  79% of my excess body weight if I use Corinne's goal for me)  Either way, I consider it success as this is how much I was expected to lose in the first 12 to 18 months!!  I'm very happy with that!   I also took my measurements tonight.  I am down 75.5 inches since Feb '08 (still kicking myself in the butt for not taking those measurements before I started losing back in December!  Oh well!!)  I usually measure: both upper arms, both thighs, bust, neck, shoulders, muffin, waist, hips.  My waist alone is down 12 inches!  My muffin too!  The numbers really help me to see where I'm losing the weight. I am about 3 or 4 pounds away from having my BMI in the "normal" range!  I'm hoping I can get there before my 6 month follow up in October!  My arms and thighs seem to be slowing down a bit now, so that's probably a good thing!  Like I've said, this journey is AMAZING!!!!!

Overall, I am feeling great!  I have energy, I can walk, jog, exercise, hike....just about whatever I want to do.  I still get tired out with the jogging, but I know I need to work on my endurance and cardio more to build this up!  I'm hoping that if I keep going to the gym, it will help.  I can now do over 30 minutes on the eliptical without stopping (at level 7 or 8).  Making progress!

I've also not been doing as well with "following the rules" as I should be!  Last night, for example, DH made some apple crisp!  OH MY!!  I LOVE apple crisp!  So, I tried a bite!  Unfortunately....I think that's a trigger food......I had more than 1 bite!  I ended up making myself sick!  I didn't vomit or have the runs, but my pouchy told me it wasn't happy!  I felt really bloated, hot, heart racing/pounding, tired....just NOT good!  I DON't KNOW why I do this to myself!  I NEED to stop and I've decided to  behave!  I NEED to behave if I want to get to my goal..AND getting sick like that is NOT a good feeling!  (I think that's my version of dumping!!)  NOT FUN!!!!!  So, today, I've started watching what I'm doing again!  I AM determined that I won't fall prey to the evil apple crisp again!!!!!!

Did I mention that this guy is still my hero??        I'm so happy that my PCP referred me to Dr L...a very skilled, dedicated, and caring surgeon.  I still can't believe how far I've come with his help and the help of his wonderful staff.   I know, I know....he just gave me the tool and his staff has shown me how to use it....It DOES take hard work, but.........without the TOOL and the knowledge..........I'd still be over 250 pounds!!!!     Now......If my head could just catch up with my body, I'd be all set!!!

What else can I add?  I'm feeling great!  I don't feel "skinny" like I'm being "accused" of all the time......but I sure would like to feel skinny (not too's NOT an obsession!)  I could stop losing today and still be ok with my weight!  I WANT to be healthy! of today...I THINK I am!!!!  

Thank you Lord (and Dr L) for this wonderful new life!

Just to remind me what I've done.......

Sep 04, 2008

So, this surgery just keeps reminding me that I DO have new "plumbing"!!!!!!   Last night, I deboned a rotisserie chicken from Hannaford and had a few bites while I was doing it.  I guess I didn't chew well enough or maybe I had some skin or too much fat, I don't know which.  But, I then followed that with some SF ice cream.....NOT GOOD!!!!   I felt almost instantly BAD!   Stomach hurting, cramping, bloated.....not good!!!!!  I was in pain for about an hour!  FINALLY, I actually vomited about a teaspoon of chicken (I think) and I felt instantly better!  I think it was stuck...or my version of dumping, as I was kinda dizzy too.   OMG!  I am sticking to liquids today to rest the young pouchy and praying that this NEVER happens again!!!!!!!   It's the worst I've felt since surgery!!!!  YIKES!!!!!!    So...I'm sticking to the rules and NOT gonna press my luck ANYMORE!!!!!!   CHEW, CHEW, CHEW!!!!!!!   This was the first time I've vomited since surgery and I NEVER want to do this again!!!!!!!   Just a reminder of what this surgery can do for/to you!!!!  I WON'T soon forget!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Aug 31, 2008

I just gotta start by saying how thankful I am.....for this surgery and weight loss, so far, and for my health, my family, and all my friends and supporters.  I COULD NOT ask for more!!!!!!!!!

Being a holiday weekend......we, of course, went hiking today!!!  We drove 1 1/2 hours to the White Mountains and went hiking!  We spent about 5 1/2 hours in the woods climbing and descending Speckle and Blueberry Mountains!  I think it was just over an 8 mile round trip!  Coming back down Blueberry Mountain was scary!  There were places that were so steep, I thought sure someone was going to fall and break a skull open!  And, there WERE blueberries up on Blueberry Mountain...tiny, great tasting wild ones!  We all had a sample!  hehe  (no kidding right, you know me and blueberries!  haha)

The amazing part is.........on the way up the mountain, I led most of the way and had to keep stopping as the kids and DH were tired and kept telling me to slow down!  I've NEVER had that happen before!  I was just feeling good and kept going....hill after biggie!  Coming back down, on the other hand, I was in the back.  I don't have much balance and looking down those steep inclines was just very scary to me, so I took my time.  My quads were very tired once we got back to the car, but everyone else was saying the same thing!!  So, guess I shouldn't feel too bad about that!  I'm just glad I was able to make it and actually keep up with everyone!!!  It's an UNBELIEVABLE feeling!  One that I've never had least not when I was 110 pounds heavier!!!! 

What an amazing day!  The weather was awesome...kinda windy, but sunny!  The view from the top of the mountain was incredible!!!! I'll post some pix at some point! I'd do it all again tomorrow if I had the time!  But, I think we'll go to the lake and chill out a bit instead!   

Enjoy your labor day tomorrow!!!!!  

I guess I DO........

Aug 30, 2008

DUMP!!!!!!  Or at least I THINK that's what I did last night!!!!!   Pretty late last night, I took out some no sugar added ice cream and had some.  About 30 minutes later, as I was getting ready for bed, I started not feeling real well!  I never vomited or had diarrhea (sorry, TMI) but my belly felt really bad...crampy, bloated, gassy, uncomfortable.  I felt a bit dizzy and just did NOT feel well.  After a couple of trips to the bathroom with no success, I finally fell into a fitful sleep and woke up this morning with a headache!  It's gone now and I feel fine, but I THINK that may have been my version of dumping!  NOT fun!!!!!!!  I think I'll be staying away from that ice cream for a bit!   It IS good to know that something is working in there though!!!!

Today, DH and I went to Brianna and Rick's wedding!  It was a beautiful wedding and reception. The bride looked like a princess!  It was beautiful.  The food was wonderful. I had some prime rib, little bit of a new potato and  couple of baby carrots.  I also tried the champagne and 3-4 bites of the wedding cake.  It all went down well and no bad "after effects".  I KNOW, I KNOW......I SHOULD NOT have had the cake or champagne!!!!!!!!!  BUT!!!!  How often to I go to weddings?  or, even out where I can get dressed up??   I figured 1 little splurge in 10 year probably won't hurt far, so good!!!!

The priest who married Bri and Rick was an old friend of mine from when I was in high school!  He was recently ordained back then and so is fairly close in age to me.  When I first saw him, I hardly recognised him...his hair is gray!! (Like mine ISN'T???!!  HAHA)  Anyways, he couldn't put a name on me, but he did recognize me. Once I told him my maiden name, he knew me right away.  The first thing he said was..."WOW!  You've lost a lot of weight!  You look great!"  I had to laugh just thinking about even back in high school and college how heavy I was!  ( NOT that I'm a lightweight now by any means, but I do weigh less now than I did back then!)  Amazing that he would remember that far back!!!!  Anyways, it was really nice to see him again!  I got a coupla big hugs from him, before and after mass!  He is such a nice, funny priest!  Even DH liked him!!!!  Hopefully, I'll get to see him again and chat for a few minutes next time!

So, on Monday, I'll be 21 weeks out from surgery.  The weight loss has slowed down quite a bit but at least the trend is still a downward trend I guess.  I was hoping to make MY goal before my 6 month follow up in October, but I think that's a pretty lofty goal.  I probably won't make it, but I'll try to see how close I can get.  If I can lose another 8-10 before that visit, I'll be happy enough.  (I'm NOT saying that I'm not happy with my weight loss so far, it's just that I'm trying to set some goals and I get disappointed with myself when I don't make them!  I'll get over myself ONE day!!!!!)

Guess that's the update for now!  Hope everyone is doing well!  Happy Labor Day!!!!!  Enjoy the long holiday weekend!!!!!!  Ruth

OH gathering!

Aug 23, 2008

The weather was perfect!     The pond was great!      Kathi did an AWESOME job coordinating all this!      It was AWESOME meeting all of these wonderful OH friends and sharing our ups and downs!      We DID miss a few of our friends from here, but we understand that things happen!!       Hope we can do this again sometime and that everyone had a nice time!!!   

WOOHOO!!!!! Another cool moment!!!!!!

Aug 21, 2008

I had a follow up appointment with Jerri today (the pulmonary doc's office).  The results from the overnight pulse ox test I took last Thursday night were back and...............I NO LONGER have sleep apnea!!  She said my oxygen levels were fine...all night long!  I had been told to wear the cpap during the test, but only lasted about 2 hours with it and then spent the rest of the night without it.  Jerri said it was kinda a good thing otherwise they would have had to re-test me without the cpap! more funky sleeping machine!  I can sleep without guilt or fear of dying from lack of oxygen.....kinda!  (I guess if it's my time to go...I'll go with or without that machine!)  ANYWAYS!!  I'm excited!  Now, I just have to find some time to call the DME company and send that cpap back!  Insurance has been paying for it long enough!

Just to update.....I worked out again today.  It didn't seem like much but my inner thighs are a little sore this evening.  I definitely have ALOT of strength to gain!!!  WOW!  I'm weak!!!  It'll get better though!  I just have to be patient!  Tomorrow, I think I'm gonna try the eliptical for the first time in my life!  I just hope and pray I don't kill myself on that thing!  It kinda looks like fun though!  I'll let you know!

Thanks for all your support with the cpap prayers!  Prayers ANSWERED!   Thank you Heavenly Father!!!!! 

About Me
Sabattus, ME
Surgery Date
Mar 01, 2008
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Friends 91

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