sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Lost 6lbs - I'm just really excited I am on this low carb diet for just a week and a half and already lost 6lbs my ticker however is not cooperating with me so it says only 2lbs lost lol

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Protein shakes - Do all protein shakes have a funny aftertaste???

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Supervised Diet....I have to wait a year before su - Ok I finally was able to get in to see my weight managment doctor today and found out all kinds of things   #1 my Vitamin D level is super low #2 I am at a very high...

sarahpillars2728 posted a comment 11 years ago
awww thank you I dont hear that very often!!

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Obesity is now considered a disease - According to the American Medical Association Obesity is now considered a disease....Is this going to be a good thing for those of us trying to get surgery approved or disabilit...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Obesity is now considered a disease - According to the American Medical Association Obesity is now considered a disease....Is this going to be a good thing for those of us trying to get surgery approved or disabilit...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Who Am I? - I have been asking myself this question alot lately. I am starting this journey and it is so hard to focus on fixing me when I have spent my life helping others and putting them...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Who am I? - I have been asking myself this question alot lately. I am starting this journey and it is so hard to focus on fixing me when I have spent my life helping others and putting them...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
question about labs - I finally met with my weight management doctor last week and he had me do blood work I was wondering if anyone knew what C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac test was and what it means I...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Type 2 Diabetes - Hello Friends Just wondering who all on here had type 2 diabetes before surgery and has it changed since surgery??? just doing my research!! Have a great Day!

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Excess skin - Now that I am getting into this more the thought really hadn't ever entered my mind until last night but I am 27 will my skin bounce back or am I going to b left with a bunch of...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
A little more informed today!! - Had my first SMA (Shared Medical Appointment) well two of them today, I feel a little better being a bit more informed I just need to digest all of this information given to me,...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Weight Loss Ticker - Ummm feeling a lil ditzy but how do I add a ticker to my profile I think its about time that I get one!  

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Just an update about my A1C - Well as I suspected everyone was right I do have Diabetes, I talked to my nurse today so that I could have a diagnosis before I went to see my medical weight loss dr tomorrow an...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Just an update about my A1C - Well as I suspected everyone was right I do have Diabetes, I talked to my nurse today so that I could have a diagnosis before I went to see my medical weight loss dr tomorrow an...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 1 month ago
Scared - Well ladies and Gents last week I went and did routine blood work because I finally got some kind of insurance and am seeing a new doctor, anyhow I got my blood work back and th...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 1 month ago
Scared - Well ladies and Gents last week I went and did routine blood work because I finally got some kind of insurance and am seeing a new doctor, anyhow I got my blood work back and th...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 1 month ago
Frusterated and Upset some TMI - I am currently PreOp and weigh 500LBS I know by no means that I am not small and I break things and I try my best to be delicate, but I just got lectured by my mother and asked ...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 1 month ago
Remembering pills - What have u all done to remember taking your pills? I help my mom at her adult foster care in the morning I give the residents their pills cant seem to remember mine I get sidet...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 1 month ago
Flu, NSV, and Question about Cruising - I got back from my trip to my dads last Wednesday and woke up Thursday morning with a flu that landed me in the hospital 6 days later dehydration ugh it was bad never have I fel...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 1 month ago
NSV and really bad flu - I got back from my trip to my dads last Wednesday and woke up Thursday morning with a flu that landed me in the hospital 6 days later dehydration ugh it was bad never have I fel...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 1 month ago
Taking a long bus ride.... - I am taking a long bus ride from michigan to minnesota I leave tomorrow I am having lots of back and ankle pain today I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for the ride ...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 2 months ago
walking and back pain - I have a dilemma I need to get some kind of walking in I currently feel like im being ripped in half after walking only thirty or so steps. I dont know what to do if someone has...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 2 months ago
Depressed... - Went to a real doctor today for the first time after having to go to a free clinic for the last two years because of having no insurance, I steped on that scale and the dreaded ...

sarahpillars2728 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 3 months ago
First Nurtitionist and weight managment appointmen - I just received my numbers for my insurance and have made my first appointment I am so excited and exstatic does the excitement last, was everyone else excited to start the proc...
About Me
Apr 20, 2013
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